All Classes and Interfaces

This interface provides a handle for setting the values of Attributes.
An immutable container for attributes.
A builder of Attributes supporting an arbitrary number of key-value pairs.
An enum that represents all the possible value types for an AttributeKey and hence the types of values that are allowed for Attributes.
A map from String to BaggageEntry that can be used to label anything that is associated with a specific operation.
A builder of Baggage.
An entry in a set of baggage.
Metadata associated with an BaggageEntry.
A Counter instrument that records double values.
Builder class for DoubleCounter.
A builder for Gauge metric types.
A Histogram instrument that records double values.
Builder class for DoubleHistogram.
An UpDownCounter instrument that records double values.
Builder class for DoubleUpDownCounter.
A global singleton for the entrypoint to telemetry functionality for tracing, metrics and baggage.
A Counter instrument that records long values.
Builder class for LongCounter.
A builder for Gauge metric types.
A Histogram instrument that records long values.
Builder class for LongHistogram.
An UpDownCounter instrument that records long values.
Builder class for LongUpDownCounter.
Provides instruments used to record measurements which are aggregated to metrics.
Builder class for creating Meter instances.
A registry for creating named Meters.
A reference to an observable instrument registered with DoubleCounterBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
A reference to an observable instrument registered with DoubleGaugeBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
An interface for observing measurements with double values.
A reference to an observable instrument registered with DoubleUpDownCounterBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
A reference to an observable instrument registered with LongCounterBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
A reference to an observable instrument registered with LongGaugeBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
An interface for observing measurements with long values.
A reference to an observable metric registered with LongUpDownCounterBuilder.buildWithCallback(Consumer).
Super interface for observing measurements.
The entrypoint to telemetry functionality for tracing, metrics and baggage.
An interface that represents a span.
SpanBuilder is used to construct Span instances which define arbitrary scopes of code that are sampled for distributed tracing as a single atomic unit.
A class that represents a span context.
Helper methods for dealing with a span identifier.
Type of Span.
The set of canonical status codes.
A valid trace flags is a byte or 2 character lowercase hex (base16) String.
Helper methods for dealing with a trace identifier.
Tracer is the interface for Span creation and interaction with the in-process context.
Builder class for creating Tracer instances.
A registry for creating named Tracers.
Carries tracing-system specific context in a list of key-value pairs.
A builder of TraceState.
TextMapPropagator that implements the W3C specification for baggage header propagation.
Implementation of the W3C TraceContext propagation protocol.