All Classes and Interfaces

This interface provides a handle for setting the values of Attributes.
An immutable container for attributes.
A builder of Attributes supporting an arbitrary number of key-value pairs.
An enum that represents all the possible value types for an AttributeKey and hence the types of values that are allowed for Attributes.
A map from String to BaggageEntry that can be used to label anything that is associated with a specific operation.
A builder of Baggage.
An entry in a set of baggage.
Metadata associated with an BaggageEntry.
A global singleton for the entrypoint to telemetry functionality for tracing, metrics and baggage.
The entrypoint to telemetry functionality for tracing, metrics and baggage.
An interface that represents a span.
SpanBuilder is used to construct Span instances which define arbitrary scopes of code that are sampled for distributed tracing as a single atomic unit.
A class that represents a span context.
Helper methods for dealing with a span identifier.
Type of Span.
The set of canonical status codes.
A valid trace flags is a byte or 2 character lowercase hex (base16) String.
Helper methods for dealing with a trace identifier.
Tracer is the interface for Span creation and interaction with the in-process context.
Builder class for creating Tracer instances.
A registry for creating named Tracers.
Carries tracing-system specific context in a list of key-value pairs.
A builder of TraceState.
TextMapPropagator that implements the W3C specification for baggage header propagation.
Implementation of the W3C TraceContext propagation protocol.