Package io.opentelemetry.extension.annotations

@ParametersAreNonnullByDefault package io.opentelemetry.extension.annotations
This module contains various annotations that can be used by clients of OpenTelemetry API. They don't provide any functionality by themselves, but other modules, e.g. OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation can use them to enhance their functionality.

Note: If you are a library developer, then you should NOT use this module, because it is useless without some kind of annotation processing, such as bytecode manipulation during runtime. You cannot guarantee that users of your library will use that in their production system.

  • Annotation Types
    This annotation marks that a parameter of a method annotated by the WithSpan annotation should be added as an attribute to the newly created Span.
    This annotation marks that an execution of this method or constructor should result in a new Span.