
Package io.opentelemetry.sdk.resources

API for resource information population.

The resources library primarily defines a type "Resource" that captures information about the entity for which stats or traces are recorded. For example, metrics exposed by a Kubernetes container can be linked to a resource that specifies the cluster, namespace, pod, and container name.

One environment variables is used to populate resource information:

  • OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: A comma-separated list of attributes describing the source in more detail, e.g. “key1=val1,key2=val2”. The allowed character set is appropriately constrained.

Attribute keys, and attribute values MUST contain only printable ASCII (codes between 32 and 126, inclusive) and less than 256 characters. Type and attribute keys MUST have a length greater than zero. They SHOULD start with a domain name and separate hierarchies with / characters, e.g. k8s.io/namespace/name.

One environment variable is used to disable resource provider implementations that are found on the classpath:

  • OTEL_JAVA_DISABLED_RESOURCES_PROVIDERS: A comma-separated list of fully qualified class names representing resource provider implementations that are found on the classpath but should be disabled.