All Classes and Interfaces

A builder for customizing OpenTelemetry auto-configuration.
A service provider interface (SPI) for customizing auto-configuration.
Properties used for auto-configuration of the OpenTelemetry SDK components.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing additional exporters that can be used with the autoconfigured SDK.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing additional exporters that can be used with the autoconfigured SDK.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing additional propagators that can be used with the autoconfigured SDK.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing additional samplers that can be used with the autoconfigured SDK.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing additional exporters that can be used with the autoconfigured SDK.
An exception that is thrown if the user-provided configuration is invalid.
Interface to be extended by SPIs that need to guarantee ordering during loading.
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing a Resource that is merged into the default resource.