All Classes and Interfaces

Use the AwsXrayIdGenerator provided in the io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-xray artifact instead of this one.
A factory for a Resource which provides information about the current EC2 instance if running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
ResourceProvider for automatically configuring BeanstalkResource.
A factory for a Resource which provides information about the current EC2 instance if running on AWS EC2.
ResourceProvider for automatically configuring Ec2Resource.
A factory for a Resource which provides information about the current ECS container if running on AWS ECS.
ResourceProvider for automatically configuring EcsResource.
A factory for a Resource which provides information about the current ECS container if running on AWS EKS.
ResourceProvider for automatically configuring EksResource.
A factory for a Resource which provides information about the AWS Lambda function.
ResourceProvider for automatically configuring LambdaResource.