
Interface SocketCache

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface SocketCache<T extends Object>

    A container of cached T data.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • setArmor

         abstract SocketCache<T> setArmor(GemTriggerType gemTriggerType, Set<T> set)

        Sets cache associated with armor for given GemTriggerType to the given Set of Ts. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.

        gemTriggerType - type of gem
        set - effects to cache
      • setMainHand

         abstract SocketCache<T> setMainHand(GemTriggerType gemTriggerType, Set<T> set)

        Sets cache associated with the main hand for given GemTriggerType to the given Set of Ts. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.

        gemTriggerType - type of gem
        set - effects to cache
      • setOffHand

         abstract SocketCache<T> setOffHand(GemTriggerType gemTriggerType, Set<T> set)

        Sets cache associated with the off hand for given GemTriggerType to the given Set of Ts. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.

        gemTriggerType - type of gem
        set - effects to cache
      • clearArmor

         abstract SocketCache<T> clearArmor()

        Clears the cache associated with armor. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.

      • clearMainHand

         abstract SocketCache<T> clearMainHand()

        Clears the cache associated with main hand. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.

      • clearOffHand

         abstract SocketCache<T> clearOffHand()

        Clears the cache associated with off hand. May or may not operate on this instance of the cache container.