Class SegmentMetadataClientFactoryImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SegmentMetadataClientFactoryImpl

        public SegmentMetadataClientFactoryImpl​(Controller controller,
                                                ConnectionPool cp)
    • Method Detail

      • createSegmentMetadataClient

        public SegmentMetadataClient createSegmentMetadataClient​(Segment segment,
                                                                 DelegationTokenProvider tokenProvider)
        Description copied from interface: SegmentMetadataClientFactory
        Opens an existing segment for metadata operations. This operation will fail if the segment does not exist. This operation may be called multiple times on the same segment from the same client (i.e., there can be concurrent metadata clients in the same process space).
        Specified by:
        createSegmentMetadataClient in interface SegmentMetadataClientFactory
        segment - The segment to create a metadata client for.
        tokenProvider - The DelegationTokenProvider instance to be used for obtaining a delegation token.
        New instance of SegmentMetadataClient for the provided segment.