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abs(int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
abs(long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
AbstractBufferView - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Base implementation of BufferView, providing common functionality.
AbstractBufferView() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView
AbstractBufferView.AbstractReader - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Base implementation of BufferView.Reader.
AbstractDrainingQueue<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Thread-safe queue that dequeues one or more elements at once.
AbstractDrainingQueue() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
AbstractReader() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView.AbstractReader
AbstractThreadPoolService - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Base Service that runs asynchronously using a thread pool.
AbstractThreadPoolService(String, ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
Creates a new instance of the AbstractThreadPoolService class.
AbstractTimer - Class in io.pravega.common
Provides a customizable way of measuring elapsed time.
AbstractTimer() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
accept(RevisionDataInput, ReaderType) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.StreamReader
accept(RevisionDataOutput, T) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer
accept(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Collector
Processes a ByteBuffer.
accept(TargetType, RevisionDataOutput) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.StreamWriter
add(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
add(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.SimpleMovingAverage
Adds the given value to the moving average.
add(BufferView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BufferViewBuilder
Includes the given BufferView in the builder.
add(E) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Inserts the specified element into this delay queue.
add(Collection<KeyType>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<? extends ReturnType>>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeySequentialProcessor
Queues up a new task to execute, subject to the given dependency Keys.
add(Supplier<CompletableFuture<? extends ReturnType>>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.SequentialProcessor
Queues up a new task to execute.
add(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Adds a new item to the queue.
addInternal(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Updates the internal data structure to include the given item.
addInternal(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingDrainingQueue
addInternal(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue
addLast(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Adds a new item at the tail of the SimpleDeque.
addNewSample(double) - Method in class io.pravega.common.ExponentialMovingAverage
Adds a new sample to the moving average and returns the updated value.
addWithFilter(Predicate<KeyType>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<? extends ReturnType>>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeySequentialProcessor
Queues up a new task to execute, subject to the dependency keys that match the given filter.
allOf(Collection<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Similar implementation to CompletableFuture.allOf(vararg) but that works on a Collection.
allOfWithResults(List<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Similar implementation to CompletableFuture.allOf(vararg) but that works on a Collection and that returns another Collection which has the results of the given CompletableFutures.
allOfWithResults(Map<K, CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Similar to CompletableFuture.allOf(varargs), but that works on a Map and that returns another Map which has the results of the given CompletableFutures, with the same input keys.
apply(RevisionDataInput) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer
apply(TypedProperties) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder.ConfigConstructor
args(Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Starts the Process using the given command-line arguments.
array() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ArrayView
Gets a reference to the backing array for this ArrayView.
array() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
arrayOffset() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ArrayView
Gets a value indicating the offset in the backing array where this ArrayView starts at.
arrayOffset() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
ArrayView - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a generic read-only view of an index-based, array-like structure.
asByteBuffer() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ArrayView
Returns a new ByteBuffer that wraps the contents of this ArrayView.
asByteBuffer() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
asDate() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
asIterator() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Returns an Iterator that wraps this instance.
asSequential(Executor) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Returns a new AsyncIterator that wraps this instance which serializes the execution of all calls to AsyncIterator.getNext() (no two executions of AsyncIterator.getNext() will ever execute at the same time; they will be run in the order of invocation, but only after the previous one completes).
AsyncIterator<T> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines an Iterator for which every invocation results in an async call with a delayed response.
AsyncMap<K,​V> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a basic asynchronous Key-Value map which allows adding, getting and removing items.
AsyncSemaphore - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
A synchronization primitive that allows executing arbitrary (concurrent) tasks, where each task requires a well-known number of credits, subject to a total number of credits being available.
AsyncSemaphore(long, long, String) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
Creates a new instance of the AsyncSemaphore class.
AtomicInt96 - Class in io.pravega.common.lang
This class provides the ability to atomically update a Int96 value.
AtomicInt96() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.lang.AtomicInt96
attempt() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.Retry.Retryable
available() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
available() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Gets a value indicating the number of bytes available to read.
AvlTreeIndex<V extends SortedIndex.IndexEntry> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
SortedIndex backed by an AVL Tree.
AvlTreeIndex() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
Creates a new instance of the AvlTreeIndex class.
await() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Block until another thread calls release, or the thread is interrupted.
await(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Block until another thread calls release, or the thread is interrupted.
await(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Waits for the provided future to be complete, and returns true if it was successful, false otherwise.
await(CompletableFuture<T>, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Waits for the provided future to be complete, and returns true if it was successful, false if it failed or did not complete.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
awaitUninterruptibly() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Block until release is called by another thread.


binarySearch(List<? extends T>, Function<? super T, Integer>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Performs a binary search on the given sorted list using the given comparator.
BitConverter - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Helper methods for various Number to Bit conversions.
BitConverter() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
BlockingAsyncIterator<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
This class is a wrapper over async iterator that implements java.util.Iterator interface.
BlockingAsyncIterator(AsyncIterator<T>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingAsyncIterator
BlockingDrainingQueue<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Single-priority implementation for AbstractDrainingQueue.
BlockingDrainingQueue() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingDrainingQueue
Creates a new instance of the BlockingDrainingQueue class.
BooleanUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.util
BooleanUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.BooleanUtils
BoundedInputStream - Class in io.pravega.common.io
A wrapper for an InputStream that allows reading up to a specified number of bytes.
BoundedInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
Creates a new instance of the BoundedInputStream class.
BufferedIterator<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Fetches items in batches and presents them in the form of an Iterator.
BufferedIterator(BiFunction<Long, Long, Iterator<T>>, long, long, int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.BufferedIterator
Creates a new instance of the BufferedIterator class.
BufferLayout(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment.BufferLayout
Creates a new instance of the CompositeByteArraySegment.BufferLayout class.
BufferView - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a generic read-only view of a readable memory buffer with a known length.
BufferView.Collector<ExceptionT extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a collector function that can be applied to a ByteBuffer.
BufferView.Reader - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a reader for a BufferView.
BufferView.Reader.OutOfBoundsException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception that is thrown whenever an attempt is made to read beyond the bounds of a BufferView.
BufferViewBuilder - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Builder for BufferView instances.
build() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.ObjectBuilder
Creates a new instance of the T type (usually with the accumulated data so far).
build() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BufferViewBuilder
Generates a BufferView with the current contents of this BufferViewBuilder instance.
build() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Creates a new instance of the given Configuration class as defined by this builder with the information contained herein.
builder() - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates a new BufferViewBuilder that can be used to construct composite BufferView instances.
builder(int) - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates a new BufferViewBuilder that can be used to construct composite BufferView instances.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType.Builder
buildRequestDescriptor(String...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Creates a request descriptor or key to locate the client request id.
ByteArraySegment - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Allows segmenting a byte array and operating only on that segment.
ByteArraySegment(byte[]) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the ByteArraySegment class that wraps the entire given array.
ByteArraySegment(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the ByteArraySegment class that wraps the given array range.
ByteArraySegment(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the ByteArraySegment class that wraps an array backed ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferOutputStream - Class in io.pravega.common.io
An OutputStream that is backed by a ByteBuffer which can be resized as needed.
ByteBufferOutputStream() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
Creates a new instance of the ByteBufferOutputStream.
ByteBufferOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
Creates a new instance of the ByteBufferOutputStream with given initial size.
ByteBufferUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.util
ByteBufferUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ByteBufferUtils


call() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.Exceptions.InterruptibleCall
Callbacks - Class in io.pravega.common.function
Misc methods that can be used as callbacks.
Callbacks() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
cancel(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor
Cancels the DelayedProcessor.Item with given key, if any.
cancellableFuture(CompletableFuture<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Returns a CompletableFuture that will complete with the same outcome or result as the given source, but when cancelled, will apply a consumer to the eventual result of the original future.
CancellationToken - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Represents a token that can be passed around to various services or components to indicate when a task should be cancelled.
CancellationToken() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
Creates a new instance of the CancellationToken class.
cancelPendingTake() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Cancels any pending Future from a take() operation.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
canEqual(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
canEqual(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
canEqual(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
capacityAvailable() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
CertificateUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.util
CertificateUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CertificateUtils
checkArgument(boolean, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the validCondition argument is false.
checkArrayRange(long, int, long, String, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws an appropriate exception if the given range is not included in the given array interval.
checkNotClosed(boolean, Object) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws an ObjectClosedException if the closed argument is true.
checkNotNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws a NullPointerException if the arg argument is null.
checkNotNullOrEmpty(Map<K, V>, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws a NullPointerException if the arg argument is null.
checkNotNullOrEmpty(V, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws a NullPointerException if the arg argument is null.
CircularBuffer - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Convenience class wrapping byteBuffer to provide a circular buffer.
CircularBuffer(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
cleanUp() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Performs a cleanup of this class.
cleanupDirectories(HashMap<?, File>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileOperations
clear() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
clear() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
clear() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
clear() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
clear() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Clears the entire SimpleDeque.
clear() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Clears the contents of the Index.
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeySequentialProcessor
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.OrderedProcessor
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.SequentialProcessor
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Closes the queue and prevents any other access to it.
close() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CloseableIterator
Closes the Iterator.
close() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool.CloseableResource
CloseableIterator<T,​TEx extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines an Iterator that can be closed.
closeQuietly(Closeable, Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.io.StreamHelpers
Closes a stream, logging a warning if it fails.
collect(BufferView.Collector<ExceptionT>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Iterates through each of the buffers that make up this BufferView, in order, and invokes the given BufferView.Collector on each.
collect(BufferView.Collector<ExceptionT>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
collect(BufferView.Collector<ExceptionT>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
CollectionHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Helper methods for collections.
CollectionHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
collectRemaining(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Processes the remaining elements in the AsyncIterator until the specified Predicate returns false.
COMPACT_INT_MAX - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Maximum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactInt(int).
COMPACT_INT_MIN - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Minimum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactInt(int).
COMPACT_LONG_MAX - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Maximum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactLong(long).
COMPACT_LONG_MIN - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Minimum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactLong(long).
COMPACT_SIGNED_LONG_MAX - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Maximum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactSignedLong(long).
COMPACT_SIGNED_LONG_MIN - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Minimum value that can be encoded using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactSignedLong(long).
compareTo(Int96) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
completeAfter(Supplier<CompletableFuture<? extends T>>, CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Given a Supplier returning a Future, completes another future either with the result of the first future, in case of normal completion, or exceptionally with the exception of the first future.
completeOn(CompletableFuture<T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Returns a new CompletableFuture that completes with the same outcome as the given one, but on the given Executor.
CompositeArrayView - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a generic view of a composite, index-based, array-like structure that is made up of one or more individual arrays.
CompositeByteArraySegment - Class in io.pravega.common.util
A composite, index-based array-like structure that is made up of one or more individual arrays of equal size.
CompositeByteArraySegment(@lombok.NonNull byte[]) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the CompositeByteArraySegment class that wraps the given array.
CompositeByteArraySegment(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the CompositeByteArraySegment class with a default component array size.
CompositeByteArraySegment(int, CompositeByteArraySegment.BufferLayout) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
Creates a new instance of the CompositeByteArraySegment class with the given component array size.
CompositeByteArraySegment.BufferLayout - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Defines the internal layout of a CompositeByteArraySegment.
compressToBase64(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Convert the given string to its compressed base64 representation.
ConfigBuilder<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
A builder for a generic Property-based configuration.
ConfigBuilder(String, ConfigBuilder.ConfigConstructor<T>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Creates a new instance of the ConfigBuilder class.
ConfigBuilder.ConfigConstructor<R> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
ConfigurationException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception that is thrown whenever a bad configuration is detected.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class.
ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.ConfigurationException
Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class.
ConfigurationOptionsExtractor - Class in io.pravega.common.util
A utility class for processing configuration items specified via system properties and/ environment variables.
ConfigurationOptionsExtractor() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigurationOptionsExtractor
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
ContinuationTokenAsyncIterator<Token,​T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
This is a continuation token based async iterator implementation.
ContinuationTokenAsyncIterator(Function<Token, CompletableFuture<Map.Entry<Token, Collection<T>>>>, Token) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ContinuationTokenAsyncIterator
Constructor takes a Function of token which when applied will return a tuple of new token and collection of elements of type `T`.
copy(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteBufferUtils
Copies data from the provided `from` buffer to the provided `to` buffer.
copyFrom(ArrayView, int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Copies a specified number of bytes from the given ArrayView into this ByteArraySegment.
copyFrom(ArrayView, int, int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Copies a specified number of bytes from the given ArrayView into this ByteArraySegment.
copyFrom(BufferView.Reader, int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CompositeArrayView
Copies a specified number of bytes from the given BufferView.Reader into this CompositeArrayView.
copyFrom(BufferView.Reader, int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
CopyOnWriteHashMap<K,​V> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Wrapper class for HashMap that performs synchronized copy-on-write operations for any modification of its content.
CopyOnWriteHashMap() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
CopyOnWriteHashMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
copyTo(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ArrayView
Copies a specified number of bytes from this ArrayView into the given target array.
copyTo(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Copies the contents of this BufferView to the given OutputStream.
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
Writes the entire contents of this ByteArraySegment to the given OutputStream.
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
copyTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Copies the contents of this BufferView to the given ByteBuffer.
copyTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
copyTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
copyTo(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Copies the contents of this builder to the given target.
create() - Static method in class io.pravega.common.hash.RandomFactory
Returns a new random number generator.
createDelayedFuture(Duration) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor
createSecure() - Static method in class io.pravega.common.hash.RandomFactory
Returns a new secure random number generator.
createTrustStore(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CertificateUtils
Creates a truststore with certificates from PEM-encoded (ASCII) or DER-encoded (binary) file at the specified certFilePath.


dataAvailable() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
Gets the number of bytes that can be read.
debug(long, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
Writes a debug-level log line on the provided logger consisting of a header tag (e.g., requestId) and the message passed (plus the arguments) in the case that the request id comes from a client request (i.e., not a default one).
debug(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(Marker, String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
debug(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
declareSerializers(VersionedSerializer.MultiType.Builder) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType
When implemented in a derived class, this method will declare all supported serializers of subtypes of BaseType by using the serializer() method.
decompressFromBase64(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Get the original string from its compressed base64 representation.
delayedFuture(Duration, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Creates a CompletableFuture that will do nothing and complete after a specified delay, without using a thread during the delay.
delayedFuture(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, long, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes the asynchronous task after the specified delay.
DelayedProcessor<T extends DelayedProcessor.Item> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
An async processor that executes items after a predetermined (yet fixed) delay of time.
DelayedProcessor(Function<T, CompletableFuture<Void>>, Duration, ScheduledExecutorService, String) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor
Creates a new instance of the DelayedProcessor class.
DelayedProcessor.Item - Interface in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Defines a DelayedProcessor item to process..
delayedTask(Supplier<T>, Duration, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes the given task after the specified delay.
deleteFileOrDirectory(File) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.io.FileHelpers
Deletes the given file or directory.
DelimitedStringParser - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Parses Strings as a sequence of key-value pairs and allows extracting values for specific keys.
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
Deserializes data from the given byte array and creates a new object with the result.
deserialize(RevisionDataInput) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
Deserializes data from the given RevisionDataInput and creates a new object with the result.
deserialize(ArrayView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType
Deserializes data from the given ArrayView and creates a new object with the result.
deserialize(BufferView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
Deserializes data from the given ArrayView and creates a new object with the result.
deserialize(InputStream) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType
Deserializes data from the given InputStream into an object of type BaseType.
deserialize(InputStream) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
Deserializes data from the given InputStream and creates a new object with the result.
Direct() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.Direct
DirectDataOutput - Interface in io.pravega.common.io
Defines an object meant for serializing data (usually an OutputStream) that can write various inputs more efficiently than otherwise (i.e., byte-by-byte copy).
doNothing(T) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
Empty consumer.
doRun() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
Main execution of the Service.
doStart() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
doStop() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
doWhileLoop(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, Predicate<T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes a code fragment returning a CompletableFutures while a condition on the returned value is satisfied.
drainDelayed() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Clears all delayed tasks from the queue but leaves those which can be polled immediately.
drainTo(Collection<? super E>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
drainTo(Collection<? super E>, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue


empty() - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Returns the empty BufferView.
EMPTY - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteBufferUtils
entrySet() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
EnumHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common.util
General helpers on Enum types.
EnumHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.EnumHelpers
env(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Includes the given Environment Variable as part of the start.
EnvVars - Class in io.pravega.common.util
equals(BufferView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView
Checks for equality against another BufferView instance.
equals(BufferView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
equals(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
equals(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
equals(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView
equals(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
equals(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
error(long, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
Writes an error-level log line on the provided logger consisting of a header tag (e.g., requestId) and the message passed (plus the arguments) in the case that the request id comes from a client request (i.e., not a default one).
error(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(Marker, String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
error(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
errorHandler(Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
When overridden in a derived class, handles an exception that is caught by the execution of run().
exceptionallyCompose(CompletableFuture<T>, Function<Throwable, CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Same as CompletableFuture.exceptionally(), except that it allows returning a CompletableFuture instead of a single value.
exceptionallyComposeExpecting(CompletableFuture<T>, Predicate<Throwable>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Same as exceptionallyExpecting(), except that it allows executing/returning a Future as a result in case of an expected exception.
exceptionallyExpecting(CompletableFuture<T>, Predicate<Throwable>, T) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Same as CompletableFuture.exceptionally(), except that it allows certain exceptions, as defined by the isExpected parameter.
exceptionListener(CompletableFuture<T>, Class<E>, Consumer<E>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Registers an exception listener to the given CompletableFuture for a particular type of exception.
exceptionListener(CompletableFuture<T>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Registers an exception listener to the given CompletableFuture.
Exceptions - Class in io.pravega.common
Helper methods that perform various checks and throw exceptions if certain conditions are met.
Exceptions() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Exceptions.InterruptibleCall<ExceptionT extends java.lang.Exception,​ResultT> - Interface in io.pravega.common
Exceptions.InterruptibleRun<ExceptionT extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in io.pravega.common
exceptionSummary(Logger, Throwable) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
Returns either the given Throwable or its message, depending on the current logging context.
execute(Supplier<CompletableFuture<ResultType>>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.OrderedProcessor
Executes the given item.
execute(RunnableWithException, Consumer<Throwable>, Runnable, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Executes the given task on the given Executor.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
executionComplete(Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.OrderedProcessor
Callback that is invoked when an item has completed execution.
executor - Variable in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
ExecutorServiceHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Helper methods for ExecutorService.
ExecutorServiceHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
ExecutorServiceHelpers.Snapshot - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
ExponentialMovingAverage - Class in io.pravega.common
Provides an Exponential moving average of some value.
ExponentialMovingAverage(double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.ExponentialMovingAverage
Creates a new value to track.
extract(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BooleanUtils
Extracts an optional boolean from a String value.
extractBoolean(String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Associates the given consumer with the given key.
extractCerts(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CertificateUtils
Retrieves certificates from PEM-encoded (ASCII) or DER-encoded (binary) file at the specified certFilePath.
extractExpirationTime(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.JwtUtils
Extracts expiration time from the specified JWT token.
extractInt(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigurationOptionsExtractor
Extracts a configuration value as integer from the specified from system property or environment variable.
extractInteger(String, Consumer<Integer>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Associates the given consumer with the given key.
extractLong(String, Consumer<Long>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Associates the given consumer with the given key.
extractString(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Associates the given consumer with the given key.


failedFuture(Throwable) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Creates a new CompletableFuture that is failed with the given exception.
fetch(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Extracts a number of items from the queue.
fetch(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingDrainingQueue
fetch(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue
FileHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common.io
Extension methods to the java.io.File class.
FileHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.FileHelpers
FileModificationEventWatcher - Class in io.pravega.common.io.filesystem
Watches for modifications to the specified file and performs the specified action (in the form of a callback) upon modification detection.
FileModificationEventWatcher(Path, Consumer<WatchEvent<?>>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationEventWatcher
Creates a new instance.
FileModificationMonitor - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.filesystem
Represents an object that monitors modifications to a file.
FileModificationPollingMonitor - Class in io.pravega.common.io.filesystem
Monitors for modifications to the specified file using a polling-based mechanism and performs the specified action (in the form of a callback) upon detection of a file modification.
FileModificationPollingMonitor(Path, Consumer<File>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationPollingMonitor
Creates a new instance.
FileOperations - Class in io.pravega.common.io.filesystem
FileOperations() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileOperations
fill(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
Copies from the given ByteBuffer.
fill(ByteBuffer[]) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
Copies from the given ByteBuffers.
filter(List<T>, Function<T, CompletableFuture<Boolean>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Filter that takes a predicate that evaluates in future and returns the filtered list that evaluates in future.
filterOut(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Returns a new collection which contains all the items in the given collection that are not to be excluded.
findGreatestLowerBound(List<? extends T>, Function<? super T, Integer>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Performs a binary search on the given sorted list to find the greatest lower bound for the supplied element.
flush() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Creates a new instance of the ProcessStarter class.
forEach(Consumer<V>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
forEach(Consumer<V>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
forEach(Consumer<V>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Iterates through each item in the Index, in natural order, and calls the given consumer on all of them.
forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Processes the remaining elements in the AsyncIterator.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
Futures - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Extensions to Future and CompletableFuture.
Futures() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
futureWithTimeout(Duration, String, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Creates a new CompletableFuture that will timeout after the given amount of time.
futureWithTimeout(Duration, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Creates a new CompletableFuture that will timeout after the given amount of time.
futureWithTimeout(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, Duration, String, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Creates a new CompletableFuture that either holds the result of future from the futureSupplier or will timeout after the given amount of time.


get() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.NewestReference
get() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.AtomicInt96
get(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
get(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CompositeArrayView
Gets the value at the specified index.
get(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
get(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredReadableBuffer
Gets the value at the specified index.
get(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
get(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
get(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets an item with the given key.
get(Property<String>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of a String property.
get(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
get(KeyT) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Gets a value associated with the given key.
get(K, Duration) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncMap
Retrieves a value from the Map.
getActiveThreadCount() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers.Snapshot
getAllocatedLength() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Gets a value indicating the amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for this BufferView.
getAllocatedLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getAllocatedLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getAndHandleExceptions(Future<ResultT>, Function<Throwable, ExceptionT>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Calls get on the provided future, handling interrupted, and transforming the executionException into an exception of the type whose constructor is provided.
getAndHandleExceptions(Future<ResultT>, Function<Throwable, ExceptionT>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Calls get on the provided future, passing a timeout, handling interrupted, and transforming the ExecutionException into an exception of the type whose constructor is provided.
getAsInt() - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper.HashBuilder
getAttempts() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
getAverage(double) - Method in class io.pravega.common.SimpleMovingAverage
Gets a value indicating the current moving average.
getBaseStream() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Gets a pointer to the InputStream that this RevisionDataInput reads from.
getBaseStream() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Gets a pointer to the OutputStream that this RevisionDataOutput writes to.
getBoolean(Property<Boolean>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of a boolean property.
getBound() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
getBufferViewReader() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates a new BufferView.Reader that can be used to read this BufferView.
getBufferViewReader() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getBufferViewReader() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getCapacity() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
getCeiling(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
getCeiling(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
getCeiling(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets the smallest item whose key is greater than or equal to the given key.
getCollectionLength(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize a Collection or array.
getCollectionLength(Collection<T>, ToIntFunction<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize a Collection.
getCollectionLength(T[], ToIntFunction<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize an array.
getCompactIntLength(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the length, in bytes, of the given Integer as serialized by using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactInt(int).
getCompactLongLength(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the length, in bytes, of the given Long as serialized by using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactLong(long).
getCompactSignedLongLength(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the length, in bytes, of the given signed Long as serialized by using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactSignedLong(long).
getComponentCount() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CompositeArrayView
Gets the number of components in this CompositeArrayView instance.
getComponentCount() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getCopy() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Returns a copy of the contents of this BufferView.
getCopy() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getCopy() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getCurrentTaskCount() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeySequentialProcessor
Gets the number of concurrent tasks currently executing.
getCurrentValue() - Method in class io.pravega.common.ExponentialMovingAverage
Returns the current moving average.
getData() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
getData() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RandomAccessOutputStream
Returns a ByteArraySegment wrapping the current contents of the RandomAccessOutputStream.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
getDouble(Property<Double>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of a Double property.
getDuration(Property<Integer>, TemporalUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets a Duration from an Integer property only if it is greater than 0.
getElapsed() - Method in class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
Gets the elapsed time.
getElapsed() - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Returns a Duration of the time elapsed in Nanoseconds.
getElapsedMillis() - Method in class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
Gets the elapsed time, in milliseconds.
getElapsedNanos() - Method in class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
Gets the elapsed time, in nanoseconds.
getElapsedNanos() - Method in class io.pravega.common.Timer
getEnum(Property<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of an Enumeration property.
getException(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
If the future has failed returns the exception that caused it.
getFirst() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
getFirst() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
getFirst() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets the smallest item in the index.
getFloor(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
getFloor(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
getFloor(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets the largest item whose key is smaller than or equal to the given key.
getFullName(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
Returns full property name using the specified component code.
getInitialMillis() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
getInnerMap() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
getInt(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getInt(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredReadableBuffer
Gets the 32 bit Int value at the specified index.
getInt(Property<Integer>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of an Integer property.
getLast() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
getLast() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
getLast() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets the largest item in the index.
getLegacyName() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
getLength() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Gets a value representing the length of this BufferView.
getLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BufferViewBuilder
The length, in bytes, of the accumulated BufferView.
getLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getLong(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getLong(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredReadableBuffer
Gets the 64 bit Long value at the specified index.
getLong(Property<Long>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of a Long property.
getLsb() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
getMapLength(int, int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize a Map.
getMapLength(Map<K, V>, ToIntFunction<K>, ToIntFunction<V>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize a Map.
getMaxDelay() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
getMaxSize() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
getMsb() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
getMultiplier() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
getName() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
getName() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
getNext() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Attempts to get the next element in the iteration.
getNext() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CloseableIterator
Gets the next item in the iteration.
getNext() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ContinuationTokenAsyncIterator
getNonNegativeInt(Property<Integer>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of an Integer property only if it is non-negative (greater than or equal to 0).
getNumDescriptors() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Returns the number of descriptors in the cache.
getPollingInterval() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationPollingMonitor
getPoolSize() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers.Snapshot
getPositiveInt(Property<Integer>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of an Integer property only if it is greater than 0.
getPositiveLong(Property<Long>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Gets the value of an Long property only if it is greater than 0.
getPriorityValue() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue.Item
Gets a value indicating the priority of this item (0 is highest priority).
getProtocols() - Method in class io.pravega.common.security.TLSProtocolVersion
getQueueLength() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Gets the number of threads waiting.
getQueueSize() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers.Snapshot
getReader() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates an InputStream that can be used to read the contents of this BufferView.
getReader() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getReader() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getReader(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates an InputStream that can be used to read the contents of this BufferView.
getReader(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getReader(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
getRemaining() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
getRemaining() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Gets the number of bytes remaining to read from the RevisionDataInput.
getRemaining() - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Calculates how much time is left of the original timeout.
getRequestDescriptor() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
The request descriptor is the key to access the client-generated requestId.
getRequestId() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
Client-generated id that will enable us to trace the end-to-end lifecycle of a request.
getRequestIdFor(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Retrieves the requestId associated to a request descriptor by means of using RequestTracker.getRequestTagFor(String...).
getRequestIdFor(String...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Retrieves a request id associated to a request descriptor.
getRequestTagFor(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Retrieves a RequestTag object formed by a request descriptor and request id.
getRequestTagFor(String...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Retrieves a RequestTag object formed by a request descriptor and request id by means of using method RequestTracker.getRequestTagFor(String...).
getResource() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool.CloseableResource
getResource() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool
Method to get a resource initialized with supplied arg.
getRevisions() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.FormatVersion
getSeed() - Static method in class io.pravega.common.hash.RandomFactory
Returns a good seed for a random number generator.
getShort(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
getShort(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredReadableBuffer
Gets the 16 bit Short value at the specified index.
getShrinkingExecutor(int, int, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Operates like Executors.cachedThreadPool but with a custom thread timeout and pool name.
getShutdownTimeout() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
Gets a value indicating how much to wait for the service to shut down, before failing it.
getSnapshot(ExecutorService) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Gets a snapshot of the given ExecutorService.
getStopException() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
Gets a pointer to the current Stop Exception, if any is set.
getThreadFactory(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Creates and returns a thread factory that will create threads with the given name prefix.
getThreadFactory(String, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Creates and returns a thread factory that will create threads with the given name prefix and thread priority.
getThrowingException(Future<ResultT>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Gets a future returning its result, or the exception that caused it to fail.
getThrowingExceptionWithTimeout(Future<ResultT>, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Gets a future returning its result, or the exception that caused it to fail.
getTime() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
getUnsignedLong(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredReadableBuffer
Gets a 64 bit Unsigned Long from the specified index.
getUsedCredits() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
Gets the current number of used credits.
getUTFLength(String) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Calculates the length, in bytes, of the given String as serialized by using DataOutput.writeUTF(java.lang.String).
getVersion() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.FormatVersion


handleCompose(CompletableFuture<T>, BiFunction<T, Throwable, CompletableFuture<U>>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Same as CompletableFuture.handle(), except that it allows returning a CompletableFuture instead of a single value.
handleInterrupted(Exceptions.InterruptibleRun<ExceptionT>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Eliminates boilerplate code of catching and re-interrupting the thread.
handleInterruptedCall(Exceptions.InterruptibleCall<ExceptionT, ResultT>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Eliminates boilerplate code of catching and re-interrupting the thread.
hash() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Hashes the contents of the buffer in a fast and consistent way.
hash(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hash(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hash(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hashBufferView(BufferView) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
Hashes a bufferview in-place.
hashCode() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
hashCode() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
hashCode() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView
hashCode() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
hashCode() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
HashHelper - Class in io.pravega.common.hash
HashHelper.HashBuilder - Class in io.pravega.common.hash
hashToBucket(byte[], int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hashToBucket(BufferView, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hashToBucket(String, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hashToBucket(UUID, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
hashToRange(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
Returns a double uniformly randomly distributed between 0 and 1 using the hash function.
hashToRange(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
Returns a double uniformly randomly distributed between 0 and 1 using the hash function.
hasNext() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingAsyncIterator
hasNext() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BufferedIterator
hasRemaining() - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Returns true if there is time remaining.


identity(T) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
Identity Function.
IllegalDataFormatException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception that is thrown whenever a data formatting error was detected.
IllegalDataFormatException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.IllegalDataFormatException
IllegalDataFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.IllegalDataFormatException
ImmutableDate - Class in io.pravega.common.util
ImmutableDate() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
ImmutableDate(long) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
incrementAndGet() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.AtomicInt96
indefinitelyWithExpBackoff(long, int, long, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry
indefinitelyWithExpBackoff(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry
indexById(Class<T>, ToIntFunction<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.EnumHelpers
Indexes the values of the given Enum by a specified Id function.
info(long, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
Writes an info-level log line on the provided logger consisting of a header tag (e.g., requestId) and the message passed (plus the arguments) in the case that the request id comes from a client request (i.e., not a default one).
info(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(Marker, String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
info(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
initializeAndTrackRequestTag(long, String...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
This method first attempts to load a RequestTag from a request that is assumed to exist.
Int96 - Class in io.pravega.common.lang
This class represents a 96 bit number with 32 bit msb encoded as integer and 64 bit lsb encoded as long.
Int96(int, long) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
invalidate() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool.CloseableResource
InvalidPropertyValueException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception that is thrown whenever a Property Value is invalid based on what is expected.
InvalidPropertyValueException(String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.InvalidPropertyValueException
Creates a new instance of the InvalidPropertyValueException class.
InvalidPropertyValueException(String, String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.InvalidPropertyValueException
Creates a new instance of the InvalidPropertyValueException class.
InvalidPropertyValueException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.InvalidPropertyValueException
Creates a new instance of the InvalidPropertyValueException class.
invokeSafely(RunnableWithException, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
Invokes the given RunnableWithException and catches any exceptions that it may throw.
invokeSafely(BiConsumer<T1, T2>, T1, T2, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
Invokes the given Consumer with the given argument, and catches any exceptions that it may throw.
invokeSafely(Consumer<T>, T, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks
Invokes the given Consumer with the given argument, and catches any exceptions that it may throw.
io.pravega.common - package io.pravega.common
io.pravega.common.concurrent - package io.pravega.common.concurrent
io.pravega.common.function - package io.pravega.common.function
io.pravega.common.hash - package io.pravega.common.hash
io.pravega.common.io - package io.pravega.common.io
io.pravega.common.io.filesystem - package io.pravega.common.io.filesystem
io.pravega.common.io.serialization - package io.pravega.common.io.serialization
io.pravega.common.lang - package io.pravega.common.lang
io.pravega.common.security - package io.pravega.common.security
io.pravega.common.tracing - package io.pravega.common.tracing
io.pravega.common.util - package io.pravega.common.util
isCancellationRequested() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
isClosed() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns whether the queue has been closed.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isDebugEnabled(Marker) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isEmpty() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
isEmpty() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Gets a value indicating whether the SimpleDeque is empty or not.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isErrorEnabled(Marker) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isInfoEnabled(Marker) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isReleased() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Returns whether or not release has been called and threads can call await without blocking.
isShutdown() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
isSuccessful(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Returns true if the future is done and successful.
isTerminated() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
isTerminating(Service.State) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Services
Determines whether the given Service.State indicates the Service is either in the process of Stopping or already Terminated or Failed.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isTraceEnabled(Marker) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isTracingEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
isTracked() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
isWarnEnabled(Marker) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
iterateBuffers() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Gets an Iterator through each of the ByteBuffers that make up this BufferView, in order.
iterateBuffers() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
iterateBuffers() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
iterator() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Returns an iterator over all the items in the queue.


JKSHelper - Class in io.pravega.common.security
Helper methods for handling JKS and JKS password files.
JKSHelper() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.security.JKSHelper
join(CompletableFuture<ResultT>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Similar to CompletableFuture.join() but with a timeout parameter.
joinCollections(Collection<Type1>, Function<Type1, OutputType>, Collection<Type2>, Function<Type2, OutputType>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Returns an unmodifiable Collection View made up of the given Collections while translating the items into a common type.
joinSets(Set<T>, Set<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Returns an unmodifiable Set View made up of the given Sets.
joinSets(Set<Type1>, Function<Type1, OutputType>, Set<Type2>, Function<Type2, OutputType>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CollectionHelpers
Returns an unmodifiable Set View made up of the given Sets while translating the items into a common type.
JwtUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.security
Utility methods for JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
JwtUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.security.JwtUtils


key() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor.Item
Item Key.
key() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex.IndexEntry
Gets a value representing the key of the entry.
keysAllOfWithResults(Map<CompletableFuture<K>, V>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Similar to CompletableFuture.allOf(varargs), but that works on a Map and that returns another Map which has the results of the given CompletableFutures, with the same input keys.
keySet() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap


LatestItemSequentialProcessor<ItemType> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Provides a way to run a provided function on items but guarantees that the function is only invoked for one item at a time.
LatestItemSequentialProcessor(Consumer<ItemType>, Executor) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.LatestItemSequentialProcessor
length(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
If RevisionDataOutput.requiresExplicitLength() == true, this method will write 4 bytes at the current position representing the expected serialization length (via the argument).
listToString(List<V>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Transforms a list into a string of the from: "V1,V2,V3" Where the string versions of the key and value are derived from their toString() function.
loadPasswordFrom(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.JKSHelper
LoggerHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common
Extension methods for Logger class.
LoggerHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
loop(Iterable<T>, Function<T, CompletableFuture<Boolean>>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes a loop using CompletableFutures over the given Iterable, processing each item in order, without overlap, using the given Executor for task execution.
loop(Supplier<Boolean>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<Void>>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes a loop using CompletableFutures, without invoking join()/get() on any of them or exclusively hogging a thread.
loop(Supplier<Boolean>, Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, Consumer<T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Executes a loop using CompletableFutures, without invoking join()/get() on any of them or exclusively hogging a thread.


makeInt(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Composes a 32-bit integer from the given byte components (Big-Endian order).
makeLong(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Composes 64-bit long from the given byte components (in Big Endian order).
mapToString(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Transforms a map into a string of the from: "K1=V1, K2=V2, K3=V3" Where the string versions of the key and value are derived from their toString() function.
markSupported() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
MathHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common
MathHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
minMax(double, double, double) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
minMax(int, int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
minMax(long, long, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.MathHelpers
MissingPropertyException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception that is thrown whenever a required Configuration Property is Missing.
MissingPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.MissingPropertyException
Creates a new instance of the MissingPropertyException class.
MultiKeyLatestItemSequentialProcessor<KeyType,​ItemType> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Provides a way to run a function on Key Value Pairs but guarantees that the function is only invoked for one item at a time per key.
MultiKeyLatestItemSequentialProcessor(BiConsumer<KeyType, ItemType>, Executor) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeyLatestItemSequentialProcessor
MultiKeySequentialProcessor<KeyType> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Concurrent async processor that allows parallel execution of tasks with different keys, but serializes the execution of tasks with the same key.
MultiKeySequentialProcessor(Executor) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeySequentialProcessor
MultiType() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType
Creates a new instance of the MultiType class.
mustRethrow(Throwable) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Determines if the given Throwable represents a fatal exception and cannot be handled.


named(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
Creates a new instance of the Property class with no default value.
named(String, T) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
Creates a new instance of the Property class with the given default value.
named(String, T, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
Creates a new instance of the Property class with the given default value.
NANOS_TO_MILLIS - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
newBuilder() - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
newBuilder() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
When implemented in a derived class, this method will return a new instance of the Builder each time it is invoked.
NewestReference<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Keeps the largest value in a thread safe way.
NewestReference() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.NewestReference
newScheduledThreadPool(int, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Creates a new ScheduledExecutorService that will use daemon threads with appropriate names the threads.
newScheduledThreadPool(int, String, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Creates a new ScheduledExecutorService that will use daemon threads with specified priority and names.
newTakeResult() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
next() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingAsyncIterator
next() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BufferedIterator
NO_RETRY - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry
NON_EXISTENT_ID - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
NONE - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
A CancellationToken that can be used as a placeholder for "no token to pass".
numToBytes(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper


ObjectBuilder<T> - Interface in io.pravega.common
Defines an object that can build other objects.
ObjectClosedException - Exception in io.pravega.common
Thrown when an object has been closed via AutoCloseable.close().
ObjectClosedException(Object) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.ObjectClosedException
ObjectClosedException(Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.ObjectClosedException
offer(E) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Inserts the specified element into this delay queue.
offer(E, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Inserts the specified element into this delay queue.
onStop(Service, Runnable, Consumer<Throwable>, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Services
Attaches the given callbacks which will be invoked when the given Service enters a TERMINATED or FAILED state.
onTimeout(CompletableFuture<T>, Consumer<TimeoutException>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Attaches the given callback as an exception listener to the given CompletableFuture, which will be invoked when the future times out (fails with a TimeoutException).
OrderedProcessor<ResultType> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Processes items in order, subject to capacity constraints.
OrderedProcessor(int, Executor) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.OrderedProcessor
Creates a new instance of the OrderedProcessor class.
OutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader.OutOfBoundsException
OutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader.OutOfBoundsException


parse(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.TLSProtocolVersion
parse(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Parses the given string using the configuration set on this parser.
parser(String, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.DelimitedStringParser
Creates a new DelimitedStringParser with the given Pair and KeyValue delimiters.
peek() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, or returns null if this queue is empty.
peek() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns (without removing) the first item in the Queue.
peekFirst() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Returns (but does not remove) the item at the head of the SimpleDeque.
peekInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns the first item in the Queue.
peekInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingDrainingQueue
peekInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue
poll() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
poll(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns the next items from the queue, if any.
poll(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
pollFirst() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Removes one item from the head of the SimpleDeque.
pollFirst(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Removes one or more items from the head of the SimpleDeque.
PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue<T extends PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue.Item> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
AbstractDrainingQueue implementation with multiple priority levels.
PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue(byte) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue
Creates a new instance of the PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue class.
PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue.Item - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines an Item that can be added to a PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue.
process(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.DelayedProcessor
Processes a new DelayedProcessor.Item.
ProcessStarter - Class in io.pravega.common.lang
Helps start a Class out of Process.
Property<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Represents a Property that can be used for configuration.
put(E) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Inserts the specified element into this delay queue.
put(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper.HashBuilder
put(KeyT, ValueT) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Inserts a new Key-Value pair into the cache.
put(K, V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
put(K, V, Duration) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncMap
Inserts a new Key-Value pair into the map.
put(V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
put(V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
put(V) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Inserts the given item into the Index.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
putIfAbsent(KeyT, ValueT) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Inserts a Key-Value pair into the cache, but only if the Key is not already present.
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap


RandomAccessOutputStream - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Defines an extension to OutputStream that allows writing to an arbitrary position.
RandomFactory - Class in io.pravega.common.hash
Acts as a constructor for java.util.Random objects.
RandomFactory() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.hash.RandomFactory
read() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
Copies into the given ByteBuffer.
readAll(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.io.StreamHelpers
Reads at most 'maxLength' bytes from the given input stream, as long as the stream still has data to serve.
readAll(InputStream, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.io.StreamHelpers
Reads a number of bytes from the given InputStream and returns it as the given byte array.
readArray() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes a byte array that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeArray(byte[]).
readArray(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<T>, IntFunction<T[]>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes a specific array that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeArray(Object[], RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer).
readByte() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Reads one byte and advances the reader position by 1.
readBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Reads a number of bytes into the given ByteBuffer using the most efficient method for the implementation of this BufferView.
readCollection(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readCollection(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<T>, ImmutableCollection.Builder<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readCollection(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<T>, Supplier<C>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readCompactInt() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes an Integer that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactInt(int).
readCompactLong() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes a Long that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactLong(long).
readCompactSignedLong() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes a Long that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeCompactSignedLong(long).
readFully(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView.AbstractReader
readFully(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Copies all the remaining bytes from this BufferView.Reader into a new ArrayView.
readInt() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView.AbstractReader
Reads 4 bytes (and advances the reader position by 4) and composes a 32-bit Integer (Big-Endian).
readInt() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Reads 4 bytes (and advances the reader position by 4) and composes a 32-bit Integer (Big-Endian).
readInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Reads a 32-bit integer from the given byte array starting at the given position.
readInt(InputStream) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Reads a 32-bit integer from the given InputStream that was encoded using BitConverter.writeInt.
readIntegerFromEnvVar(String, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.EnvVars
Utility function to (statically) read a integer from from an environmental variable.
readLong() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractBufferView.AbstractReader
Reads 8 bytes (and advances the reader position by 4) and composes a 64-bit Long (Big-Endian).
readLong() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Reads 8 bytes (and advances the reader position by 4) and composes a 64-bit Long (Big-Endian).
readLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Reads a 64-bit long from the given byte array starting at the given position.
readMap(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<K>, RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<V>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readMap(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<K>, RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<V>, ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readMap(RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<K>, RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<V>, Supplier<M>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
readSlice(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView.Reader
Returns a BufferView that is a representation of the next bytes starting at the given position.
readUUID() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataInput
Decodes a UUID that has been serialized using RevisionDataOutput.writeUUID(java.util.UUID).
readUUID(byte[], int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Reads a 128-bit UUID from the given byte array starting at the given position.
rebase(Properties) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Creates a new instance of the ConfigBuilder class that uses the given java.util.Properties object as a base.
RedBlackTreeIndex<V extends SortedIndex.IndexEntry> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
SortedIndex backed by a Red-Black Tree (java.util.TreeMap).
RedBlackTreeIndex() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
Creates a new instance of the RedBlackTreeIndex class.
register(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
Registers the given Future to the token.
register(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
Supply a future to be notified when ReusableFutureLatch.release(Object) is called.
registerAndRunReleaser(Runnable, CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
If the latch is released, completes the provided future without invoking the provided runnable.
release() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
When implemented in a derived class, notifies any wrapped buffer that this BufferView no longer has a need for it.
release() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Allow all waiting threads to go through, and all future threads to proceed without blocking.
release(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
Releases a number of credits back into the pool and initiates the execution of any pending tasks that are now eligible to run.
release(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
Complete all waiting futures, and all future calls to register be notified immediately.
releaseExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
Complete all waiting futures, and all future calls to register be notified immediately.
releaseExceptionallyAndReset(Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
Identical to calling #releaseExceptionally(Exception); #reset() except it is atomic.
remainingCapacity() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Always returns Integer.MAX_VALUE because a ScheduledQueue is not capacity constrained.
remove(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
remove(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
remove(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Removes any item with the given key from the Index.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this queue, if it is present, whether or not it has expired.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
remove(KeyT) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Removes any value that is associated with the given key.
remove(K, Duration) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncMap
Deletes a Key-Value pair from the Map, if any.
replace(K, V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
requestCancellation() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
Cancels all registered futures.
RequestTag - Class in io.pravega.common.tracing
Class to store a requestDescriptor, requestId pair in a cache (i.e., RequestTracker) for tracing purposes.
RequestTag(String, long) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
RequestTracker - Class in io.pravega.common.tracing
This class is a helper for multiple classes to get the client-generated id for a request (requestId) based on the available information of the request itself (requestDescriptor) in multiple methods.
RequestTracker(boolean) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
requiresExplicitLength() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Gets a value indicating whether this instance of a RevisionDataOutput requires RevisionDataOutput.length(int) to be called prior to writing anything to it.
reset() - Method in class io.pravega.common.SimpleMovingAverage
Clears the SimpleMovingAverage of any data.
reset() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
If ReusableFutureLatch.release(Object) or ReusableFutureLatch.releaseExceptionally(Throwable) has been called it resets the object into the unreleased state.
reset() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
Resets the latch to an un-release state.
reset(Duration) - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Reset the timeout so that the original amount of time is remaining.
ResourcePool<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Resource pool class implements functionality for creating and maintaining a pool of reusable resources.
ResourcePool(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, Consumer<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool
ResourcePool.CloseableResource<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
A closeable resource wrapper class which returns the resource back to the pool automatically once it is closed.
retain() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
When implemented in a derived class, notifies any wrapped buffer that this BufferView has a need for it.
RetriesExhaustedException - Exception in io.pravega.common.util
Exception thrown by Retry utility class when all of the configured number of attempts have failed.
RetriesExhaustedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.RetriesExhaustedException
RetriesExhaustedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.util.RetriesExhaustedException
Retry - Class in io.pravega.common.util
A Utility class to support retrying something that can fail with exponential backoff.
Retry.Retryable<ReturnT,​RetryableET extends java.lang.Exception,​NonRetryableET extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Retry.RetryAndThrowBase<ThrowsT extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Retry.RetryAndThrowConditionally - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Returned by Retry.RetryExceptionally.throwingOn(Class) to add the type of exception that should cause the method to throw right away.
Retry.RetryAndThrowExceptionally<RetryT extends java.lang.Exception,​ThrowsT extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Returned by Retry.RetryExceptionally.throwingOn(Class) to add the type of exception that should cause the method to throw right away.
Retry.RetryExceptionally<RetryT extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Returned by Retry.RetryWithBackoff.retryingOn(Class) to add the type of exception that should result in a retry.
Retry.RetryUnconditionally - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Returned by Retry.indefinitelyWithExpBackoff(long, int, long, Consumer) (Class)} to retry indefinitely.
Retry.RetryWithBackoff - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Returned by Retry.withExpBackoff(long, int, int) to set the retry schedule.
retryingOn(Class<RetryT>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
retryWhen(Predicate<Throwable>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
ReusableFutureLatch<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
This class is similar to ReusableLatch but that works with CompletableFuture so that blocking can be async and exceptions and results can be passed.
ReusableFutureLatch() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
ReusableLatch - Class in io.pravega.common.util
This class is similar to CountDownLatch and Semaphore.
ReusableLatch() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
ReusableLatch(boolean) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
revision(int, VersionedSerializer.StreamWriter<TargetType>, VersionedSerializer.StreamReader<ReaderType>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.FormatVersion
Creates a new Revision and registers it.
RevisionDataInput - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Extension to DataInput that adds support for a few new constructs.
RevisionDataInput.ElementDeserializer<T> - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Defines a Function signature that can deserialize an element from a RevisionDataInput.
RevisionDataOutput - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Extension to DataOutput that adds support for a few new constructs and supports formatting a Serialization Revision.
RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer<T> - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Defines a Function signature that can serialize an element to a RevisionDataOutput.
run() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.Exceptions.InterruptibleRun
run() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.function.RunnableWithException
run() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationEventWatcher
run(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, long, boolean) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
Executes the given task which requires the given number of credits.
run(Retry.Retryable<ReturnT, RetryT, ThrowsT>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryAndThrowBase
runAsync(Supplier<CompletableFuture<ReturnT>>, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryAndThrowBase
runInExecutor(Runnable, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryAndThrowBase
RunnableWithException - Interface in io.pravega.common.function
Functional interface for a runnable with no result that may throw an Exception.
runOrFail(Callable<R>, CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Runs the provided Callable in the current thread (synchronously) if it throws any Exception or Throwable the exception is propagated, but the supplied future is also failed.


schedule(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
schedule(Callable<V>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
ScheduledQueue<E extends io.pravega.common.concurrent.Scheduled> - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Provides a unbounded blocking queue which Scheduled items can be added to.
ScheduledQueue() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
seededWith(String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
SequentialProcessor - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Async processor that serializes the execution of tasks such that no two tasks execute at the same time.
SequentialProcessor(Executor) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.SequentialProcessor
SerializationException - Exception in io.pravega.common.io
An exception that is thrown when serialization or deserialization fails.
SerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.io.SerializationException
Creates a new instance of the SerializationException class.
SerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.pravega.common.io.SerializationException
Creates a new instance of the SerializationException class.
serialize(RevisionDataOutput, T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer
Serializes the given object to the given RevisionDataOutput.
serialize(OutputStream, BaseType) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType
serialize(OutputStream, T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer
Serializes the given object to the given OutputStream.
serialize(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer
Serializes the given object to an in-memory buffer (RandomAccessOutputStream) and returns a view of it.
serializer(Class<TargetType>, int, VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder<TargetType, ReaderType>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.MultiType.Builder
Registers a new serializer for the given class.
Services - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
Helper methods that allow controlling Services.
Services() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Services
set(int, byte) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
set(int, byte) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
set(int, byte) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredWritableBuffer
Sets the value at the specified index.
set(int, long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.AtomicInt96
setInt(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
setInt(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredWritableBuffer
Sets a 32 bit Integer value at the specified index.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
setLong(int, long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredWritableBuffer
Sets a 64 bit Long value at the specified index.
setSecureZKClientProperties(String, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.ZKTLSUtils
setSecureZKServerProperties(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.ZKTLSUtils
setShort(int, short) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
setShort(int, short) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
setShort(int, short) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredWritableBuffer
Sets a Short value at the specified index.
setUnsignedLong(int, long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.StructuredWritableBuffer
Sets a 64 bit Unsigned Long at the specified index.
shouldUnwrap(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Returns true if the provided class is CompletionException or ExecutionException which need to be unwrapped.
shutdown() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
shutdown() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ResourcePool
Shutdown the resource manager where all returned resources are closed and not put back into the idle queue of resources.
shutdown(Duration, ExecutorService...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Shuts down the given ExecutorServices in two phases: 1.
shutdown(ExecutorService...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ExecutorServiceHelpers
Shuts down the given ExecutorServices in two phases, using a timeout of 5 seconds: 1.
shutdownNow() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
SimpleCache<KeyT,​ValueT> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Lightweight, thread-safe, key-value pair cache built on top of Java HashMap that supports eviction based on a maximum size or last-access-time.
SimpleCache(int, Duration, BiConsumer<KeyT, ValueT>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Creates a new instance of the SimpleCache class.
SimpleDeque<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.util
Simplified Deque implementation that provides an efficient method to remove multiple items at once from the head.
SimpleDeque() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Creates a new instance of the SimpleDeque class.
SimpleDeque(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Creates a new instance of the SimpleDeque class.
SimpleMovingAverage - Class in io.pravega.common
Helps calculate simple moving averages for a number of values.
SimpleMovingAverage(int) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.SimpleMovingAverage
Creates a new instance of the SimpleMovingAverage class.
singleton(T) - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Returns an AsyncIterator with exactly one item.
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Returns the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
size() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RandomAccessOutputStream
Gets a value indicating the size of this OutputStream.
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Gets a value indicating the size of this queue.
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AvlTreeIndex
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.RedBlackTreeIndex
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleCache
Gets a value representing the number of entries in the cache.
size() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
Gets a value indicating the number of items in the SimpleDeque.
size() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.SortedIndex
Gets a value indicating the number of items in the Index.
sizeInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns the size of the queue.
sizeInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.BlockingDrainingQueue
sizeInternal() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.PriorityBlockingDrainingQueue
skip(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
slice() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Equivalent to invoking BufferView.slice(int, int) with offset 0 and getLength().
slice(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.ArrayView
Creates a new ArrayView that represents a sub-range of this ArrayView instance.
slice(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Creates a new BufferView that represents a sub-range of this BufferView instance.
slice(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
slice(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.CompositeArrayView
Creates a new CompositeArrayView that represents a sub-range of this CompositeArrayView instance.
slice(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CompositeByteArraySegment
slice(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteBufferUtils
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
Throws any throwable 'sneakily' - you don't need to catch it, nor declare that you throw it onwards.
SortedIndex<V extends SortedIndex.IndexEntry> - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines an Index that orders its IndexEntries by an Int64 (long) Key.
SortedIndex.IndexEntry - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Defines a generic entry into an Index.
start() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Executes the Class using the accumulated options.
startAsync(Service, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Services
Asynchronously starts a Service and returns a CompletableFuture that will indicate when it is running.
startMonitoring() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationEventWatcher
startMonitoring() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationMonitor
Start monitoring.
startMonitoring() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationPollingMonitor
stdErr(ProcessBuilder.Redirect) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Redirects the Standard Err of the Process to the given Redirect.
stdIn(ProcessBuilder.Redirect) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Redirects the Standard In of the Process to the given Redirect.
stdOut(ProcessBuilder.Redirect) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Redirects the Standard Out of the Process to the given Redirect.
stopAsync(Service, Executor) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Services
Asynchronously stops a Service and returns a CompletableFuture that will indicate when it is stopped.
stopMonitoring() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationEventWatcher
stopMonitoring() - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationMonitor
Stop monitoring.
stopMonitoring() - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.filesystem.FileModificationPollingMonitor
StreamHelpers - Class in io.pravega.common.io
Miscellaneous operations on Streams.
StreamHelpers() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.StreamHelpers
stringToList(String, Function<String, V>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Performs the reverse of ToStringUtils.listToString(List).
stringToMap(String, Function<String, K>, Function<String, V>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
Performs the reverse of ToStringUtils.mapToString(Map).
StructuredReadableBuffer - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
BufferView whose contents can be interpreted as structured data.
StructuredWritableBuffer - Interface in io.pravega.common.util
Modifiable BufferView whose contents can be interpreted as structured data.
subStream(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.BoundedInputStream
Creates a new BoundedInputStream wrapping the same InputStream as this one, starting at the current position, with the given bound.
sysProp(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.ProcessStarter
Includes the given System Property as part of the start.


TagLogger - Class in io.pravega.common.tracing
Wrapper class for a Logger instance that exposes all its functionality, plus a set of convenience methods to properly log client requests ids for the end-to-end tracing mechanism.
TagLogger(Logger) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
take() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until an element becomes available.
take(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns the next items from the queue.
take(int, Duration, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.AbstractDrainingQueue
Returns the next items from the queue.
thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Returns a new AsyncIterator that wraps this instance and converts all items from this one into items of a new type.
thenCompose(Function<? super T, CompletableFuture<U>>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.util.AsyncIterator
Returns a new AsyncIterator that wraps this instance and converts all items from this one into items of a new type using an async call.
ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService - Class in io.pravega.common.concurrent
An implementation of ScheduledExecutorService which uses a thread pool.
ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService(int, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
Creates a fixed size thread pool (Similar to ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor).
throwingOn(Class<ThrowsT>) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryExceptionally
TimeoutTimer - Class in io.pravega.common
Helps figuring out how much time is left from a particular (initial) timeout.
TimeoutTimer(Duration) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Creates a new instance of the TimeoutTimer class.
TimeoutTimer(Duration, Supplier<Long>) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Creates a new instance of the TimeoutTimer class.
Timer - Class in io.pravega.common
Allows easy measurement of elapsed time.
Timer() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.Timer
Creates a new instance of the Timer class.
TLSProtocolVersion - Class in io.pravega.common.security
TLSProtocolVersion(String) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.security.TLSProtocolVersion
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ScheduledQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue.
toBytes() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.AbstractTimer
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.CancellationToken
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.ThreadPoolScheduledExecutorService
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.ExponentialMovingAverage
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTag
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ByteArraySegment
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CircularBuffer
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ImmutableDate
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Property
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableFutureLatch
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch
toString() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.SimpleDeque
toString(X509Certificate[]) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.CertificateUtils
ToStringUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.util
ToStringUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.ToStringUtils
toUUID(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.hash.HashHelper
toVoid(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Returns a CompletableFuture that will end when the given future ends, but discards its result.
toVoidExpecting(CompletableFuture<T>, T, Supplier<E>) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures
Returns a CompletableFuture that will end when the given future ends, expecting a certain result.
trace(long, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
Writes a trace-level log line on the provided logger consisting of a header tag (e.g., requestId) and the message passed (plus the arguments) in the case that the request id comes from a client request (i.e., not a default one).
trace(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(Marker, String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
trace(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
traceEnter(Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
Traces the fact that a method entry has occurred.
traceEnterWithContext(Logger, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
Traces the fact that a method entry has occurred.
traceLeave(Logger, String, long, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
Traces the fact that a method has exited normally.
traceLeave(Logger, String, String, long, Object...) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.LoggerHelpers
Traces the fact that a method has exited normally.
traceObjectId - Variable in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.AbstractThreadPoolService
trackRequest(RequestTag) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Adds a request descriptor and request id pair in the cache based on an input RequestTag object by overloading {RequestTracker.trackRequest(String, long)}.
trackRequest(String, long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Adds a request descriptor and request id pair in the cache if tracing is enabled.
TypedProperties - Class in io.pravega.common.util
* Wrapper for a java.util.Properties object, that sections it based on a namespace.
TypedProperties(Properties, String) - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.util.TypedProperties
Creates a new instance of the TypedProperties class.


unsetSecureZKClientProperties() - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.ZKTLSUtils
unsetSecureZKServerProperties() - Static method in class io.pravega.common.security.ZKTLSUtils
untrackRequest(RequestTag) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Remove a request id from an associated request descriptor within a RequestTag object by overloading {RequestTracker.untrackRequest(String)}.
untrackRequest(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.RequestTracker
Removes and returns a request id from an associated request descriptor.
unwrap(Throwable) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.Exceptions
If the provided exception is a CompletionException or ExecutionException which need be unwrapped.
update(T) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.NewestReference
updateItem(ItemType) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.LatestItemSequentialProcessor
Updates the item and triggers it to be processed.
updateItem(KeyType, ItemType) - Method in class io.pravega.common.concurrent.MultiKeyLatestItemSequentialProcessor
Updates the item and triggers it to be processed.
UUID_BYTES - Static variable in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
The number of bytes required to encode a UUID.


values() - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.CopyOnWriteHashMap
VersionedSerializer<T> - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Custom serializer base class that supports backward and forward compatibility.
VersionedSerializer() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer
VersionedSerializer.Direct<TargetType> - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
A Single-Type VersionedDeserializer that serializes and deserializes into the same object.
VersionedSerializer.FormatVersion<TargetType,​ReaderType> - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Represents a Version of a Format.
VersionedSerializer.MultiType<BaseType> - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
A VersionedDeserializer that serializes deserializes objects instantiating different types that inherit from a single base type.
VersionedSerializer.MultiType.Builder - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
VersionedSerializer.StreamReader<ReaderType> - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Defines a Function that deserializes data from a RevisionDataInput into a target Object.
VersionedSerializer.StreamWriter<TargetType> - Interface in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
Defines a Function that serializes an Object to a RevisionDataOutput.
VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder<TargetType,​ReaderType extends ObjectBuilder<TargetType>> - Class in io.pravega.common.io.serialization
A Single-Type VersionedDeserializer that deserializes into a "Builder" object.


warn(long, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
Writes a warn-level log line on the provided logger consisting of a header tag (e.g., requestId) and the message passed (plus the arguments) in the case that the request id comes from a client request (i.e., not a default one).
warn(String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(Marker, String) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
warn(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.pravega.common.tracing.TagLogger
with(Property<V>, V) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Includes the given property and its value in the builder.
withAttempts(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
WithBuilder() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.io.serialization.VersionedSerializer.WithBuilder
withExpBackoff(long, int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry
withExpBackoff(long, int, int, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry
withInitialMillis(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
withMaxDelay(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
withMultiplier(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.Retry.RetryWithBackoff
withUnsafe(Property<?>, Object) - Method in class io.pravega.common.util.ConfigBuilder
Includes the given property and its value in the builder, without Property-Value type-enforcement.
wrap(byte[]) - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Wraps a given byte array into a view.
wrap(List<BufferView>) - Static method in interface io.pravega.common.util.BufferView
Wraps the given BufferView into a single instance.
write(byte[]) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RandomAccessOutputStream
Writes a sequence of bytes at the given position.
write(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RandomAccessOutputStream
Writes the given byte value at the given position.
writeArray(byte[]) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given byte array.
writeArray(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given byte array.
writeArray(T[], RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given array using the given RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer.
writeBuffer(BufferView) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeBuffer(BufferView) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.DirectDataOutput
Includes the given BufferView.
writeBuffer(BufferView) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given BufferView.
writeCollection(Collection<T>, RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer<T>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given Collection using the given RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer.
writeCompactInt(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Encodes the given Integer into a compact serialization of 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes.
writeCompactLong(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Encodes the given Long into a compact serialization of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
writeCompactSignedLong(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Encodes the given signed Long into a compact serialization of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
writeInt(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 32-bit Integer to the given byte array at the given offset.
writeInt(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeInt(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.DirectDataOutput
Writes the given value as a 32 bit Integer.
writeInt(int, int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeInt(int, int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RandomAccessOutputStream
Writes the given Int value at the given position.
writeInt(OutputStream, int) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 32-bit Integer to the given OutputStream.
writeLong(byte[], int, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 64-bit Long to the given byte array at the given offset.
writeLong(long) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeLong(long) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.DirectDataOutput
Writes the given value as a 64 bit Long.
writeLong(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 64-bit Long to the given OutputStream.
writeMap(Map<K, V>, RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer<K>, RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializer<V>) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given Map using the given RevisionDataOutput.ElementSerializers (one for Key and one for Value).
writeShort(int) - Method in class io.pravega.common.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
writeShort(int) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.DirectDataOutput
Writes the given value as a 16 bit Short.
writeShort(OutputStream, short) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 16-bit Short to the given OutputStream.
writeUUID(StructuredWritableBuffer, UUID) - Static method in class io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter
Writes the given 128-bit UUID to the given StructuredWritableBuffer.
writeUUID(UUID) - Method in interface io.pravega.common.io.serialization.RevisionDataOutput
Serializes the given UUID as two consecutive Long values.


zero() - Method in class io.pravega.common.TimeoutTimer
Adjust the time so that the is no time remaining.
ZERO - Static variable in class io.pravega.common.lang.Int96
ZKTLSUtils - Class in io.pravega.common.security
ZKTLSUtils() - Constructor for class io.pravega.common.security.ZKTLSUtils
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