

package java

This package provides the Java backend for the Java API. If you are writing in Java, please refer to the Javadoc of the package instead.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. java
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class EmptyActualResult() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty actual result.

  2. case class EmptyAlgorithmParams() extends EmptyParams with Product with Serializable

    Empty algorithm parameters.

  3. case class EmptyDataParams() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty data parameters.

  4. case class EmptyDataSourceParams() extends EmptyParams with Product with Serializable

    Empty data source parameters.

  5. case class EmptyEvaluationInfo() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty evaluation info.

  6. case class EmptyMetricsParams() extends EmptyParams with Product with Serializable

    Empty metrics parameters.

  7. case class EmptyModel() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty model.

  8. class EmptyParams extends JavaParams

    Empty parameters.

  9. case class EmptyPreparatorParams() extends EmptyParams with Product with Serializable

    Empty preparator parameters.

  10. case class EmptyPreparedData() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty prepared data.

  11. case class EmptyServingParams() extends EmptyParams with Product with Serializable

    Empty serving parameters.

  12. case class EmptyTrainingData() extends Product with Serializable

    Empty training data.

  13. trait IJavaEngineFactory extends IEngineFactory

    If you intend to let PredictionIO create workflow and deploy serving automatically, you will need to implement an object that extends this trait and return an Engine.

  14. class JavaEngine[TD, EI, PD, Q, P, A] extends Engine[RDD[TD], EI, RDD[PD], Q, P, A]

    This class chains up the entire data process.

  15. class JavaEngineBuilder[TD, EI, PD, Q, P, A] extends AnyRef

  16. class JavaEngineParams extends EngineParams

    This class serves as a logical grouping of all required engine's parameters.

  17. class JavaEngineParamsBuilder extends AnyRef

  18. abstract class JavaEvaluator[DP, Q, P, A, EU, ES, ER <: AnyRef] extends BaseEvaluator[DP, Q, P, A, EU, ES, ER]

    Base class of metrics.

  19. trait JavaParams extends Params

    Parameters base class in Java.

  20. class JavaSimpleEngine[TD, EI, Q, P, A] extends JavaEngine[TD, EI, TD, Q, P, A]

    JavaSimpleEngine has only one algorithm, and uses default preparator and serving layer.

  21. class JavaSimpleEngineBuilder[TD, EI, Q, P, A] extends JavaEngineBuilder[TD, EI, TD, Q, P, A]

  22. abstract class LJavaAlgorithm[PD, M, Q, P] extends LAlgorithm[PD, M, Q, P]

    Base class of a local algorithm.

  23. abstract class LJavaDataSource[TD, EI, Q, A] extends BaseDataSource[RDD[TD], EI, Q, A]

    Base class of a local data source.

  24. class LJavaFirstServing[Q, P] extends LJavaServing[Q, P]

    A concrete implementation of LJavaServing returning the first algorithm's prediction result directly without any modification.

  25. class LJavaIdentityPreparator[TD] extends LJavaPreparator[TD, TD]

    A helper concrete implementation of LJavaPreparator that pass training data through without any special preparation.

  26. abstract class LJavaPreparator[TD, PD] extends BasePreparator[RDD[TD], RDD[PD]]

    Base class of a local preparator.

  27. abstract class LJavaServing[Q, P] extends BaseServing[Q, P]

    Base class of local serving.

  28. abstract class PJavaAlgorithm[PD, M, Q, P] extends BaseAlgorithm[PD, M, Q, P]

    Base class of a parallel algorithm.

  29. abstract class PJavaDataSource[TD, EI, Q, A] extends BaseDataSource[TD, EI, Q, A]

    Base class of a parallel data source.

  30. class PJavaEngine[TD, EI, PD, Q, P, A] extends Engine[TD, EI, PD, Q, P, A]

    This class chains up the entire data process.

  31. class PJavaEngineBuilder[TD, EI, PD, Q, P, A] extends AnyRef

  32. class PJavaIdentityPreparator[TD] extends PJavaPreparator[TD, TD]

    A helper concrete implementation of PJavaPreparator that pass training data through without any special preparation.

  33. abstract class PJavaPreparator[TD, PD] extends BasePreparator[TD, PD]

    Base class of a parallel preparator.

  34. class WorkflowParamsBuilder extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object JavaUtils

    Internal Java utilities.

  2. object JavaWorkflow

    Collection of workflow creation methods.

  3. object LJavaFirstServing extends Serializable

    A concrete implementation of LJavaServing returning the first algorithm's prediction result directly without any modification.

  4. object LJavaIdentityPreparator extends Serializable

    A helper concrete implementation of LJavaPreparator that pass training data through without any special preparation.

  5. object PJavaIdentityPreparator extends Serializable

    A helper concrete implementation of PJavaPreparator that pass training data through without any special preparation.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
