Interface RemoteTask

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RemoteTask
    • Method Detail

      • getTaskId

        TaskId getTaskId()
      • getNodeId

        String getNodeId()
      • start

        void start()
      • addSplits

        void addSplits​(<PlanNodeId,​Split> splits)
      • noMoreSplits

        void noMoreSplits​(PlanNodeId sourceId)
      • setOutputBuffers

        void setOutputBuffers​(OutputBuffers outputBuffers)
      • addStateChangeListener

        void addStateChangeListener​(StateMachine.StateChangeListener<TaskStatus> stateChangeListener)
        Listener is always notified asynchronously using a dedicated notification thread pool so, care should be taken to avoid leaking this when adding a listener in a constructor. Additionally, it is possible notifications are observed out of order due to the asynchronous execution.
      • addFinalTaskInfoListener

        void addFinalTaskInfoListener​(StateMachine.StateChangeListener<TaskInfo> stateChangeListener)
        Add a listener for the final task info. This notification is guaranteed to be fired only once. Listener is always notified asynchronously using a dedicated notification thread pool so, care should be taken to avoid leaking this when adding a listener in a constructor. Additionally, it is possible notifications are observed out of order due to the asynchronous execution.
      • whenSplitQueueHasSpace<?> whenSplitQueueHasSpace​(int threshold)
      • cancel

        void cancel()
      • abort

        void abort()
      • getPartitionedSplitCount

        int getPartitionedSplitCount()
      • getQueuedPartitionedSplitCount

        int getQueuedPartitionedSplitCount()