Class MultilevelSplitQueue

  • @ThreadSafe
    public class MultilevelSplitQueue
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultilevelSplitQueue

        public MultilevelSplitQueue​(TaskManagerConfig taskManagerConfig)
      • MultilevelSplitQueue

        public MultilevelSplitQueue​(double levelTimeMultiplier)
    • Method Detail

      • offer

        public void offer​(PrioritizedSplitRunner split)
        During periods of time when a level has no waiting splits, it will not accumulate scheduled time and will fall behind relative to other levels.

        This can cause temporary starvation for other levels when splits do reach the previously-empty level.

        To prevent this we set the scheduled time for levels which were empty to the expected scheduled time.

      • updatePriority

        public Priority updatePriority​(Priority oldPriority,
                                       long quantaNanos,
                                       long scheduledNanos)
        Presto 'charges' the quanta run time to the task and the level it belongs to in an effort to maintain the target thread utilization ratios between levels and to maintain fairness within a level.

        Consider an example split where a read hung for several minutes. This is either a bug or a failing dependency. In either case we do not want to charge the task too much, and we especially do not want to charge the level too much - i.e. cause other queries in this level to starve.

        the new priority for the task
      • getLevelMinPriority

        public long getLevelMinPriority​(int level,
                                        long taskThreadUsageNanos)
      • size

        public int size()
      • computeLevel

        public static int computeLevel​(long threadUsageNanos)
      • getLevel0Time

        public long getLevel0Time()
      • getLevel1Time

        public long getLevel1Time()
      • getLevel2Time

        public long getLevel2Time()
      • getLevel3Time

        public long getLevel3Time()
      • getLevel4Time

        public long getLevel4Time()
      • getSelectedCountLevel0

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getSelectedCountLevel0()
      • getSelectedCountLevel1

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getSelectedCountLevel1()
      • getSelectedCountLevel2

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getSelectedCountLevel2()
      • getSelectedCountLevel3

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getSelectedCountLevel3()
      • getSelectedCountLevel4

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getSelectedCountLevel4()