Interface PositionLinks

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ArrayPositionLinks, SortedPositionLinks

    public interface PositionLinks
    This class is responsible for iterating over build rows, which have same values in hash columns as given probe row (but according to filterFunction can have non matching values on some other column).
    • Method Detail

      • getSizeInBytes

        long getSizeInBytes()
      • start

        int start​(int position,
                  int probePosition,
                  Page allProbeChannelsPage)
        Initialize iteration over position links. Returns first potentially eligible join position starting from (and including) position argument.

        When there are no more position -1 is returned

      • next

        int next​(int position,
                 int probePosition,
                 Page allProbeChannelsPage)
        Iterate over position links. When there are no more position -1 is returned.