Class ValueStore

  • public class ValueStore
    extends Object
    helper class for GroupedTypedHistogram May be used for other cases that need a simple hash for values

    sort of a FlyWeightStore for values--will return unique number for a value. If it exists, you'll get the same number. Class map Value -> number

    Note it assumes you're storing # -> Value (Type, Block, position, or the result of the ) somewhere else

    • Method Detail

      • addAndGetPosition

        public int addAndGetPosition​(Block block,
                                     int position,
                                     long valueHash)
        This will add an item if not already in the system. It returns a pointer that is unique for multiple instances of the value. If item present, returns the pointer into the system
      • getRehashCount

        public int getRehashCount()
      • getEstimatedSize

        public long getEstimatedSize()