Class PruneApplyColumns

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PruneApplyColumns
    extends ProjectOffPushDownRule<ApplyNode>
    This rule restricts the outputs of ApplyNode's input and subquery based on which ApplyNode's output symbols are referenced.

    A symbol from input source can be pruned, when - it is not a referenced output symbol - it is not a correlation symbol - it is not referenced in subqueryAssignments

    A symbol from subquery source can be pruned, when it is not referenced in subqueryAssignments.

    A subquery assignment can be removed, when its key is not a referenced output symbol.

    Note: this rule does not remove any symbols from the correlation list. This is responsibility of PruneApplyCorrelation rule.


     - Project (i1, r1)
          - Apply
              correlation: [corr]
                  r1 -> a in s1,
                  r2 -> b in s2,
              - Input (a, b, corr)
              - Subquery (s1, s2)
     - Project (i1, r1)
          - Apply
              correlation: [corr]
                  r1 -> a in s1,
              - Project (a, corr)
                  - Input (a, b, corr)
              - Project (s1)
                  - Subquery (s1, s2)