Class UnaliasSymbolReferences

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnaliasSymbolReferences
    extends Object
    implements PlanOptimizer
    Re-maps symbol references that are just aliases of each other (e.g., due to projections like $0 := $1)


    Output[$0, $1] -> Project[$0 := $2, $1 := $3 * 100] -> Aggregate[$2, $3 := sum($4)] -> ...

    gets rewritten as

    Output[$2, $1] -> Project[$2, $1 := $3 * 100] -> Aggregate[$2, $3 := sum($4)] -> ...

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnaliasSymbolReferences

        public UnaliasSymbolReferences​(Metadata metadata)
    • Method Detail

      • reallocateSymbols

        public NodeAndMappings reallocateSymbols​(PlanNode plan,
                                                 List<Symbol> fields,
                                                 SymbolAllocator symbolAllocator)
        Replace all symbols in the plan with new symbols. The returned plan has different output than the original plan. Also, the order of symbols might change during symbol replacement. Symbols in the list `fields` are replaced maintaining the order so they might be used to match original symbols with their replacements. Replacing symbols helps avoid collisions when symbols or parts of the plan are reused.