Class SqlTaskManager

    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
      • getTaskNotificationExecutor

        public io.airlift.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutorMBean getTaskNotificationExecutor()
      • getFailedTasks

        public io.airlift.stats.CounterStat getFailedTasks()
      • getAllTaskInfo

        public List<TaskInfo> getAllTaskInfo()
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets all of the currently tracked tasks. This will included uninitialized, running, and completed tasks.
        Specified by:
        getAllTaskInfo in interface TaskManager
      • getTaskInfo

        public TaskInfo getTaskInfo​(TaskId taskId)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets the info for the specified task. If the task has not been created yet, an uninitialized task is created and the info is returned.

        NOTE: this design assumes that only tasks that will eventually exist are queried.

        Specified by:
        getTaskInfo in interface TaskManager
      • getTaskInfo

        public<TaskInfo> getTaskInfo​(TaskId taskId,
                                                                                        long currentVersion)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets future info for the task after the state changes from current state. If the task has not been created yet, an uninitialized task is created and the future is returned. If the task is already in a final state, the info is returned immediately.

        NOTE: this design assumes that only tasks that will eventually exist are queried.

        Specified by:
        getTaskInfo in interface TaskManager
      • getTaskInstanceId

        public String getTaskInstanceId​(TaskId taskId)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets the unique instance id of a task. This can be used to detect a task that was destroyed and recreated.
        Specified by:
        getTaskInstanceId in interface TaskManager
      • getTaskStatus

        public<TaskStatus> getTaskStatus​(TaskId taskId,
                                                                                            long currentVersion)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets future status for the task after the state changes from current state. If the task has not been created yet, an uninitialized task is created and the future is returned. If the task is already in a final state, the status is returned immediately.

        NOTE: this design assumes that only tasks that will eventually exist are queried.

        Specified by:
        getTaskStatus in interface TaskManager
      • getTaskResults

        public<BufferResult> getTaskResults​(TaskId taskId,
                                                                                               OutputBuffers.OutputBufferId bufferId,
                                                                                               long startingSequenceId,
                                                                                               io.airlift.units.DataSize maxSize)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Gets results from a task either immediately or in the future. If the task or buffer has not been created yet, an uninitialized task is created and a future is returned.

        NOTE: this design assumes that only tasks and buffers that will eventually exist are queried.

        Specified by:
        getTaskResults in interface TaskManager
      • abortTaskResults

        public TaskInfo abortTaskResults​(TaskId taskId,
                                         OutputBuffers.OutputBufferId bufferId)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Aborts a result buffer for a task. If the task or buffer has not been created yet, an uninitialized task is created and a the buffer is aborted.

        NOTE: this design assumes that only tasks and buffers that will eventually exist are queried.

        Specified by:
        abortTaskResults in interface TaskManager
      • cancelTask

        public TaskInfo cancelTask​(TaskId taskId)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Cancels a task. If the task does not already exist, is is created and then canceled.
        Specified by:
        cancelTask in interface TaskManager
      • abortTask

        public TaskInfo abortTask​(TaskId taskId)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Aborts a task. If the task does not already exist, is is created and then aborted.
        Specified by:
        abortTask in interface TaskManager
      • removeOldTasks

        public void removeOldTasks()
      • failAbandonedTasks

        public void failAbandonedTasks()
      • addStateChangeListener

        public void addStateChangeListener​(TaskId taskId,
                                           StateMachine.StateChangeListener<TaskState> stateChangeListener)
        Description copied from interface: TaskManager
        Adds a state change listener to the specified task. Listener is always notified asynchronously using a dedicated notification thread pool so, care should be taken to avoid leaking this when adding a listener in a constructor. Additionally, it is possible notifications are observed out of order due to the asynchronous execution.
        Specified by:
        addStateChangeListener in interface TaskManager