Class JsonExtract

  • public final class JsonExtract
    extends Object
    Extracts values from JSON

    Supports the following JSON path primitives:

        $ : Root object
        . or [] : Child operator
       [] : Subscript operator for array

    Supported JSON Path Examples:

        { "store": {
            "book": [
              { "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95,
                "contributors": [["Adam", "Levine"], ["Bob", "Strong"]]
              { "category": "fiction",
                "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
                "title": "Sword of Honour",
                "price": 12.99,
                "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
                "last_owner": null
            "bicycle": {
              "color": "red",
              "price": 19.95

    With only scalar values using dot-notation of path:

        $[0].author => Nigel Rees
        $.store.bicycle.price => 19.95
        $[0].isbn => NULL (Doesn't exist becomes java null)
        $[1].last_owner => NULL (json null becomes java null)
        $[0].contributors[0][1] => Levine

    With json values using dot-notation of path:

        $[0].author => "Nigel Rees"
        $.store.bicycle.price => 19.95
        $[0].isbn => NULL (Doesn't exist becomes java null)
        $[1].last_owner => null (json null becomes the string "null")
        $[0].contributors[0] => ["Adam", "Levine"]
        $.store.bicycle => {"color": "red", "price": 19.95}
    With only scalar values using bracket-notation of path:
        $["store"]["book"][0]["author"] => Nigel Rees
        $["store"]["bicycle"]["price"] => 19.95
        $["store"]["book"][0]["isbn"] => NULL (Doesn't exist becomes java null)
        $["store"]["book"][1]["last_owner"] => NULL (json null becomes java null)
        $["store"]["book"][0]["contributors"][0][1] => Levine

    With json values using bracket-notation of path:

        $["store"]["book"][0]["author"] => "Nigel Rees"
        $["store"]["bicycle"]["price"] => 19.95
        $["store"]["book"][0]["isbn"] => NULL (Doesn't exist becomes java null)
        $["store"]["book"][1]["last_owner"] => null (json null becomes the string "null")
        $["store"]["book"][0]["contributors"][0] => ["Adam", "Levine"]
        $["store"]["bicycle"] => {"color": "red", "price": 19.95}