Class SpatialJoinUtils

  • public final class SpatialJoinUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • extractSupportedSpatialFunctions

        public static List<FunctionCall> extractSupportedSpatialFunctions​(Expression filterExpression)
        Returns a subset of conjuncts matching one of the following shapes: - ST_Contains(...) - ST_Within(...) - ST_Intersects(...)

        Doesn't check or guarantee anything about function arguments.

      • extractSupportedSpatialComparisons

        public static List<ComparisonExpression> extractSupportedSpatialComparisons​(Expression filterExpression)
        Returns a subset of conjuncts matching one the following shapes: - ST_Distance(...) <= ... - ST_Distance(...) < ... - ... >= ST_Distance(...) - ... > ST_Distance(...)

        Doesn't check or guarantee anything about ST_Distance functions arguments or the other side of the comparison.

      • isSpatialJoinFilter

        public static boolean isSpatialJoinFilter​(PlanNode left,
                                                  PlanNode right,
                                                  Expression filterExpression)