

package prismic

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Api extends AnyRef

    High-level entry point for communications with prismic.

  2. sealed trait ApiError extends RuntimeException

    Error thrown when communicating with prismic.

  3. case class AuthorizationNeeded(message: String, oAuthUrl: String) extends RuntimeException with ApiError with Product with Serializable

    Error thrown when the auth token is omitted, but required

  4. case class BuiltInCache(maxDocuments: Int = 100) extends Cache with Product with Serializable

    Default HTTP cache implementation, relying on apache in-memory LRUMap (recommended)

  5. trait Cache extends AnyRef

    Cache prismic.

  6. case class Document(id: String, typ: String, href: String, tags: Seq[String], slugs: Seq[String], linkedDocuments: List[LinkedDocument], fragments: Map[String, Fragment]) extends WithFragments with Product with Serializable

    A prismic.

  7. trait DocumentLinkResolver extends AnyRef

    Builds URL specific to an application, based on a generic prismic.

  8. case class Experiment(id: String, googleId: Option[String], name: String, variations: Seq[Variation]) extends Product with Serializable

    Experiment exposed by prismic API

  9. case class Experiments(draft: Seq[Experiment], running: Seq[Experiment]) extends Product with Serializable

    All experiments exposed by prismic API

  10. case class Field(type: String, multiple: Boolean, default: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A prismic.

  11. case class Form(name: Option[String], method: String, rel: Option[String], enctype: String, action: String, fields: Map[String, Field]) extends Product with Serializable

  12. sealed trait Fragment extends AnyRef

  13. trait HtmlSerializer extends AnyRef

  14. case class InvalidToken(message: String, oAuthUrl: String) extends RuntimeException with ApiError with Product with Serializable

    Error thrown when the auth token is provided, but invalid

  15. case class LinkedDocument(id: String, slug: Option[String], typ: String, tags: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A reference to an other Prismic document, used in "related documents"

  16. sealed trait Predicate extends AnyRef

    A Prismic predicate.

  17. trait QuerySerializer[T] extends AnyRef

  18. case class Ref(id: String, ref: String, label: String, isMasterRef: Boolean = false, scheduledAt: Option[DateTime] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represent a prismic.

  19. case class Response(results: List[Document], page: Int, resultsPerPage: Int, resultsSize: Int, totalResultsSize: Int, totalPages: Int, nextPage: Option[String], prevPage: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Paginated response to a Prismic.

  20. case class SearchForm(api: Api, form: Form, data: Map[String, Seq[String]]) extends Product with Serializable

    A SearchForm represent a Form returned by the prismic.

  21. sealed trait State extends AnyRef

  22. case class UnexpectedError(message: String) extends RuntimeException with ApiError with Product with Serializable

    Error that should never happen

  23. case class Variation(id: String, ref: String, label: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Experiment variation exposed by prismic API

Value Members

  1. object Api

    Instanciate an Api instance from a prismic.

  2. object Cache

  3. object DocumentLinkResolver

    DocumentLinkResolver builders

  4. object Experiment extends Serializable

  5. object Fragment

  6. object HtmlSerializer

  7. object Info

  8. object Month extends Enumeration

  9. object NoCache extends Cache

    Do NOT cache prismic.

  10. object Pending extends State with Product with Serializable

  11. object Predicate

  12. object QuerySerializer

  13. object WeekDay extends Enumeration
