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add(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Adds the given value.
addMetric(List<String>, double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CounterMetricFamily
addMetric(List<String>, double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.GaugeMetricFamily
addMetric(List<String>, double, double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SummaryMetricFamily
addMetric(List<String>, double, double, List<Double>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SummaryMetricFamily
ageBuckets(int) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Builder


buckets - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child.Value
buckets(double...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Set the upper bounds of buckets for the histogram.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Counter.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Enumeration.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Gauge.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Histogram.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Info.
build() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Summary.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Counter.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Enumeration.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Gauge.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Histogram.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Info.
build(String, String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Return a Builder to allow configuration of a new Summary.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Info.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Builder


checkMetricLabelName(String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Throw an exception if the metric label name is invalid.
checkMetricName(String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Throw an exception if the metric name is invalid.
Child() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Child(Boolean, CounterExemplarSampler) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
children - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
clear() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Unregister all Collectors.
clear() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Remove all children.
close() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Timer
Equivalent to calling Gauge.Timer.setDuration().
close() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Timer
Equivalent to calling Histogram.Timer.observeDuration().
close() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Timer
Equivalent to calling Summary.Timer.observeDuration().
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Return all of the metrics of this Collector.
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
collect() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Collector - Class in io.prometheus.client
A collector for a set of metrics.
Collector() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Collector.Describable - Interface in io.prometheus.client
Collector.MetricFamilySamples - Class in io.prometheus.client
A metric, and all of its samples.
Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample - Class in io.prometheus.client
A single Sample, with a unique name and set of labels.
Collector.Type - Enum in io.prometheus.client
CollectorRegistry - Class in io.prometheus.client
A registry of Collectors.
CollectorRegistry() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
CollectorRegistry(boolean) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
count - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child.Value
Counter - Class in io.prometheus.client
Counter metric, to track counts of events or running totals.
COUNTER - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Counter.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Counter.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Counter.
CounterExemplarSampler - Interface in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
Exemplar sampler for counter metrics.
CounterMetricFamily - Class in io.prometheus.client
Counter metric family, for custom collectors and exporters.
CounterMetricFamily(String, String, double) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.CounterMetricFamily
CounterMetricFamily(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.CounterMetricFamily
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Builder
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Builder
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Builder
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info.Builder
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Return the constructed collector.
create() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Builder
created - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child.Value
created - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child.Value
created() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Get the created time of the counter in milliseconds.


dec() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Decrement the gauge by 1.
dec() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Decrement the gauge with no labels by 1.
dec(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Decrement the gauge by the given amount.
dec(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Decrement the gauge with no labels by the given amount.
DefaultExemplarSampler - Class in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
Default Exemplar sampler.
DefaultExemplarSampler(SpanContextSupplier) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.DefaultExemplarSampler
defaultRegistry - Static variable in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
The default registry.
describe() - Method in interface io.prometheus.client.Collector.Describable
Provide a list of metric families this Collector is expected to return.
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
describe() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
disableExemplars() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
Prevent metrics from loading exemplars from an ExemplarSampler by default.
DoubleAdder - Class in io.prometheus.client
One or more variables that together maintain an initially zero double sum.
DoubleAdder() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Creates a new adder with initial sum of zero.
doubleToGoString(double) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Convert a double to its string representation in Go.
doubleValue() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Equivalent to DoubleAdder.sum().


elapsedSeconds() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleTimer
elapsedSecondsFromNanos(long, long) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleTimer
enableExemplars() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
Allow metrics to load exemplars from an ExemplarSampler by default.
Enumeration - Class in io.prometheus.client
Enumeration metric, to track which of a set of states something is in.
Enumeration.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Enumeration.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Enumeration.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
equals(Object) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
equals(Object) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
exemplar - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
Exemplar - Class in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
Immutable data class holding an Exemplar.
Exemplar(double, Long, String...) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Create an Exemplar
Exemplar(double, Long, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Create an Exemplar
Exemplar(double, String...) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Create an Exemplar without a timestamp
Exemplar(double, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Create an Exemplar
ExemplarConfig - Class in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
Static configuration for Exemplar behavior.
ExemplarConfig() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
exemplars - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child.Value
ExemplarSampler - Interface in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
For convenience, an interface for implementing both, the CounterExemplarSampler and the HistogramExemplarSampler.
exponentialBuckets(double, double, int) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Set the upper bounds of buckets for the histogram with an exponential sequence.


familySamplesList(Collector.Type, List<Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
filteredMetricFamilySamples(Set<String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Enumeration of metrics matching the specified names.
floatValue() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Returns the DoubleAdder.sum() as a float after a narrowing primitive conversion.
fullname - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector


Gauge - Class in io.prometheus.client
Gauge metric, to report instantaneous values.
GAUGE - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
GAUGE_HISTOGRAM - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Gauge.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Gauge.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Gauge.
Gauge.Timer - Class in io.prometheus.client
Represents an event being timed.
GaugeMetricFamily - Class in io.prometheus.client
Gauge metric family, for custom collectors and exporters.
GaugeMetricFamily(String, String, double) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.GaugeMetricFamily
GaugeMetricFamily(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.GaugeMetricFamily
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Get the value of the counter.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Get the value of the counter.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Child
Get the state.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
Get the value of the Enumeration.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Get the value of the gauge.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Get the value of the gauge.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Get the value of the Histogram.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info.Child
Get the info.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
Get the the info.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child
Get the value of the Summary.
get() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Get the value of the Summary.
getCounterExemplarSampler() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
getHistogramExemplarSampler() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
getLabelName(int) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Get the label name at index i.
getLabelValue(int) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Get the label value at index i.
getNumberOfLabels() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
getSampleValue(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Returns the given value, or null if it doesn't exist.
getSampleValue(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Returns the given value, or null if it doesn't exist.
getTimestampMs() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
getValue() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar


hashCode() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
hashCode() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
hashCode() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
help - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
help - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
help(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the help string of the metric.
Histogram - Class in io.prometheus.client
Histogram metric, to track distributions of events.
HISTOGRAM - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Histogram.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Histogram.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Histogram.
Histogram.Child.Value - Class in io.prometheus.client
Histogram.Timer - Class in io.prometheus.client
Represents an event being timed.
HistogramExemplarSampler - Interface in io.prometheus.client.exemplars
Exemplar sampler for histogram metrics.


inc() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Increment the counter by 1.
inc() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Increment the counter with no labels by 1.
inc() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Increment the gauge by 1.
inc() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Increment the gauge with no labels by 1.
inc(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Increment the counter by the given amount.
inc(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Increment the counter with no labels by the given amount.
inc(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Increment the gauge by the given amount.
inc(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Increment the gauge with no labels by the given amount.
incWithExemplar(double, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Like Counter.Child.inc(double), but additionally creates an exemplar.
incWithExemplar(double, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Like Counter.Child.incWithExemplar(double, String...), but for the counter without labels.
incWithExemplar(double, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
Same as Counter.Child.incWithExemplar(double, String...), but the exemplar labels are passed as a Map.
incWithExemplar(double, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Like Counter.Child.incWithExemplar(double, Map), but for the counter without labels.
incWithExemplar(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
incWithExemplar(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Like Counter.Child.incWithExemplar(String...), but for the counter without labels.
incWithExemplar(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Child
incWithExemplar(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
Like Counter.Child.incWithExemplar(Map), but for the counter without labels.
info(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info.Child
Set the info.
info(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
Set the info on the info with no labels.
info(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info.Child
Set the info.
info(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
Set the info on the info with no labels.
Info - Class in io.prometheus.client
Info metric, key-value pairs.
INFO - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Info.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Info.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Info.
initializeNoLabelsChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Initialize the child with no labels.
intValue() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Returns the DoubleAdder.sum() as an int after a narrowing primitive conversion.
io.prometheus.client - package io.prometheus.client
io.prometheus.client.exemplars - package io.prometheus.client.exemplars
isExemplarsEnabled() - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig


labelNames - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
labelNames - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
labelNames(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the labelNames of the metric.
labels(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Return the Child with the given labels, creating it if needed.
labelValues - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
linearBuckets(double, double, int) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Set the upper bounds of buckets for the histogram with a linear sequence.
longValue() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Returns the DoubleAdder.sum() as a long after a narrowing primitive conversion.


mapToArray(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.Exemplar
Convert the map to an array [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...].
maxAgeSeconds(long) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Builder
metricFamilySamples() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Enumeration of metrics of all registered collectors.
MetricFamilySamples(String, Collector.Type, String, List<Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
MetricFamilySamples(String, String, Collector.Type, String, List<Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Number of milliseconds in a second.


name - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
name - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
name(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the name of the metric.
namespace(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the namespace of the metric.
NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Number of nanoseconds in a second.
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Info
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Return a new child, workaround for Java generics limitations.
newChild() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
noLabelsChild - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector


observe(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Observe the given amount.
observe(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Observe the given amount on the histogram with no labels.
observe(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child
Observe the given amount.
observe(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Observe the given amount on the summary with no labels.
observeDuration() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Timer
Observe the amount of time in seconds since Histogram.Child.startTimer() was called.
observeDuration() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Timer
Observe the amount of time in seconds since Summary.Child.startTimer() was called.
observeDurationWithExemplar(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Timer
observeDurationWithExemplar(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Timer
observeWithExemplar(double, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.observe(double), but additionally creates an exemplar.
observeWithExemplar(double, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.Child.observeWithExemplar(double, String...), but for the histogram without labels.
observeWithExemplar(double, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.observeWithExemplar(double, String...), but the exemplar labels are passed as a Map.
observeWithExemplar(double, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.Child.observeWithExemplar(double, Map), but for the histogram without labels.


quantile(double, double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Builder
quantiles - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child.Value


register() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Register the Collector with the default registry.
register() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Create and register the Collector with the default registry.
register(Collector) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Register a Collector.
register(CollectorRegistry) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Register the Collector with the given registry.
register(CollectorRegistry) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Create and register the Collector with the given registry.
remove(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Remove the Child with the given labels.
reset() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Resets variables maintaining the sum to zero.


sample(double, double, double, Exemplar) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.DefaultExemplarSampler
sample(double, double, double, Exemplar) - Method in interface io.prometheus.client.exemplars.HistogramExemplarSampler
sample(double, Exemplar) - Method in interface io.prometheus.client.exemplars.CounterExemplarSampler
sample(double, Exemplar) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.DefaultExemplarSampler
Sample(String, List<String>, List<String>, double) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
Sample(String, List<String>, List<String>, double, Exemplar) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
Sample(String, List<String>, List<String>, double, Exemplar, Long) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
Sample(String, List<String>, List<String>, double, Long) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
samples - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
sanitizeMetricName(String) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector
Sanitize metric name
set(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
set(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Set the gauge to the given value.
set(double) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Set the gauge with no labels to the given value.
setChild(Child, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
Replace the Child with the given labels.
setCounterExemplarSampler(CounterExemplarSampler) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
Set the default exemplar sampler for Counters.
setDuration() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Timer
Set the amount of time in seconds since Gauge.Child.startTimer() was called.
setHistogramExemplarSampler(HistogramExemplarSampler) - Static method in class io.prometheus.client.exemplars.ExemplarConfig
Set the default exemplar sampler for Histograms.
setToCurrentTime() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Set the gauge to the current unixtime.
setToCurrentTime() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Set the gauge with no labels to the current unixtime.
setToTime(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Executes runnable code (e.g.
setToTime(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Executes runnable code (e.g.
setToTime(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Executes callable code (e.g.
setToTime(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Executes callable code (e.g.
SimpleCollector<Child> - Class in io.prometheus.client
Common functionality for Gauge, Counter, Summary and Histogram.
SimpleCollector(SimpleCollector.Builder) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
SimpleCollector.Builder<B extends SimpleCollector.Builder<B,​C>,​C extends SimpleCollector> - Class in io.prometheus.client
Builders let you configure and then create collectors.
SimpleTimer - Class in io.prometheus.client
SimpleTimer, to measure elapsed duration in seconds as a double.
SimpleTimer() - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SimpleTimer
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge.Child
Start a timer to track a duration.
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Gauge
Start a timer to track a duration, for the gauge with no labels.
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Start a timer to track a duration.
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Start a timer to track a duration on the histogram with no labels.
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child
Start a timer to track a duration.
startTimer() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Start a timer to track a duration on the summary with no labels.
state(Enum) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Child
Set the state.
state(Enum) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
Set the state on the enum with no labels.
state(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Child
Set the state.
state(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration
Set the state on the enum with no labels.
STATE_SET - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
states(Class) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Builder
Take states from the names of the values in an Enum class.
states(String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Enumeration.Builder
subsystem(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the subsystem of the metric.
sum - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child.Value
sum - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child.Value
sum() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Returns the current sum.
Summary - Class in io.prometheus.client
Summary metric, to track the size of events.
SUMMARY - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Summary.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.client
Summary.Child - Class in io.prometheus.client
The value of a single Summary.
Summary.Child.Value - Class in io.prometheus.client
Summary.Timer - Class in io.prometheus.client
Represents an event being timed.
SummaryMetricFamily - Class in io.prometheus.client
Summary metric family, for custom collectors and exporters.
SummaryMetricFamily(String, String, double, double) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SummaryMetricFamily
SummaryMetricFamily(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SummaryMetricFamily
SummaryMetricFamily(String, String, List<String>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.SummaryMetricFamily
sumThenReset() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Equivalent in effect to DoubleAdder.sum() followed by DoubleAdder.reset().


time(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Executes runnable code (e.g.
time(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Executes runnable code (e.g.
time(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child
Executes runnable code (e.g.
time(Runnable) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Executes runnable code (e.g.
time(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Executes callable code (e.g.
time(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Executes callable code (e.g.
time(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary.Child
Executes callable code (e.g.
time(Callable<E>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Summary
Executes callable code (e.g.
timestampMs - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
timeWithExemplar(Runnable, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.time(Runnable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Runnable, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.time(Runnable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Runnable, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.time(Runnable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Runnable, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.time(Runnable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Callable<E>, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.time(Callable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Callable<E>, String...) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.time(Callable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Callable<E>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child
Like Histogram.Child.time(Callable), but additionally create an exemplar.
timeWithExemplar(Callable<E>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram
Like Histogram.time(Callable), but additionally create an exemplar.
toString() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
toString() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
toString() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.DoubleAdder
Returns the String representation of the DoubleAdder.sum().
type - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples


unit - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
unit - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector
unit(String) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.SimpleCollector.Builder
Set the unit of the metric.
UNKNOWN - io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
unregister(Collector) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry
Unregister a Collector.


value - Variable in class io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples.Sample
Value(double, double[], Exemplar[], long) - Constructor for class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Child.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.prometheus.client.Collector.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withExemplars() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Builder
Allow this counter to load exemplars from a CounterExemplarSampler.
withExemplars() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Allow this histogram to load exemplars from a HistogramExemplarSampler.
withExemplarSampler(CounterExemplarSampler) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Builder
Enable exemplars and provide a custom CounterExemplarSampler.
withExemplarSampler(HistogramExemplarSampler) - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Enable exemplars and provide a custom HistogramExemplarSampler.
withoutExemplars() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Counter.Builder
Prevent this counter from loading exemplars from a CounterExemplarSampler.
withoutExemplars() - Method in class io.prometheus.client.Histogram.Builder
Prevent this histogram from loading exemplars from a HistogramExemplarSampler.
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