Class AttachmentsAspects


public class AttachmentsAspects extends Object
Aspects (AspectJ) for handling Attachment.
  • Constructor Details

    • AttachmentsAspects

      public AttachmentsAspects()
  • Method Details

    • withAttachmentAnnotation

      public void withAttachmentAnnotation()
      Pointcut for things annotated with Attachment.
    • anyMethod

      public void anyMethod()
      Pointcut for any methods.
    • attachment

      public void attachment(org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result)
      Process data returned from method annotated with Attachment. If returned data is not a byte array, then use toString() method, and get bytes from it.
      joinPoint - the join point to process.
      result - the returned value.
    • setLifecycle

      public static void setLifecycle(AllureLifecycle allure)
      For tests only.
      allure - allure lifecycle to set.
    • getLifecycle

      public static AllureLifecycle getLifecycle()