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addAttachment(String, InputStream) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addAttachment(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addAttachment(String, String, InputStream, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addAttachment(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addAttachment(String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Adds attachment into current test or step if any exists.
addAttachment(String, String, String, InputStream) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Adds attachment to current running test or step.
addAttachment(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addByteAttachmentAsync(String, String, String, Supplier<byte[]>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addByteAttachmentAsync(String, String, Supplier<byte[]>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addDescription(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addDescriptionHtml(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addLabels(Label...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addLinks(Link...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addStreamAttachmentAsync(String, String, String, Supplier<InputStream>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
addStreamAttachmentAsync(String, String, Supplier<InputStream>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
afterContainerStart(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
afterContainerStart(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterContainerStop(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
afterContainerStop(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterContainerUpdate(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
afterContainerUpdate(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterContainerWrite(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
afterContainerWrite(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterFixtureStart(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
afterFixtureStart(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterFixtureStop(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
afterFixtureStop(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterFixtureUpdate(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
afterFixtureUpdate(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterStepStart(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterStepStart(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
afterStepStop(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterStepStop(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
afterStepUpdate(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterStepUpdate(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
afterTestSchedule(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterTestSchedule(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
afterTestStart(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterTestStart(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
afterTestStop(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterTestStop(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
afterTestUpdate(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterTestUpdate(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
afterTestWrite(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
afterTestWrite(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
Allure - Class in io.qameta.allure
The class contains some useful methods to work with AllureLifecycle.
ALLURE_HOST_NAME_ENV - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
ALLURE_HOST_NAME_SYSPROP - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
ALLURE_ID_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
ALLURE_SEPARATE_LINES_SYSPROP - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
ALLURE_THREAD_NAME_ENV - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
ALLURE_THREAD_NAME_SYSPROP - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Allure.StepContext - Interface in io.qameta.allure
Step context.
Allure.ThrowableContextRunnable<T,U> - Interface in io.qameta.allure
Runnable that allows to throw an exception and return any type.
Allure.ThrowableContextRunnableVoid<T> - Interface in io.qameta.allure
Callable that allows to throw an exception and return void.
Allure.ThrowableRunnable<T> - Interface in io.qameta.allure
Runnable that allows to throw an exception and return any type.
Allure.ThrowableRunnableVoid - Interface in io.qameta.allure
Runnable that allows to throw an exception and return void.
Allure2ModelJackson - Class in io.qameta.allure.internal
The type Allure 2 model jackson.
AllureConstants - Class in io.qameta.allure
AllureId - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used by Allure Enterprise to link test cases with related test methods.
AllureLifecycle - Class in io.qameta.allure
The class contains Allure context and methods to change it.
AllureLifecycle() - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Creates a new lifecycle with default results writer.
AllureLifecycle(AllureResultsWriter) - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Creates a new lifecycle instance with specified AllureResultsWriter.
AllureResultsWriteException - Exception in io.qameta.allure
AllureResultsWriteException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.qameta.allure.AllureResultsWriteException
AllureResultsWriter - Interface in io.qameta.allure
AllureStorage - Class in io.qameta.allure.internal
Internal Allure data storage.
AllureStorage() - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
AllureThreadContext - Class in io.qameta.allure.internal
Storage that stores information about not finished tests and steps.
AllureThreadContext() - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
AnnotationUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
Collection of utils used by Allure integration to extract meta information from test cases via reflection.
anyMethod() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects
Pointcut for any methods.
anyMethod() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
AspectUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
attachment(String, InputStream) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds attachment.
attachment(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds attachment.
attachment(JoinPoint, Object) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects
Process data returned from method annotated with Attachment.
Attachment - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mark methods that produce attachments.
ATTACHMENT_FILE_GLOB - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
ATTACHMENT_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
AttachmentsAspects - Class in io.qameta.allure.aspects
Aspects (AspectJ) for handling Attachment.
AttachmentsAspects() - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects


beforeContainerStart(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
beforeContainerStart(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeContainerStop(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
beforeContainerStop(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeContainerUpdate(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
beforeContainerUpdate(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeContainerWrite(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.ContainerLifecycleListener
beforeContainerWrite(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeFixtureStart(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
beforeFixtureStart(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeFixtureStop(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
beforeFixtureStop(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeFixtureUpdate(FixtureResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.FixtureLifecycleListener
beforeFixtureUpdate(FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeStepStart(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeStepStart(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
beforeStepStop(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeStepStop(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
beforeStepUpdate(StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeStepUpdate(StepResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.StepLifecycleListener
beforeTestSchedule(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeTestSchedule(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
beforeTestStart(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeTestStart(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
beforeTestStop(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeTestStop(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
beforeTestUpdate(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeTestUpdate(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
beforeTestWrite(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
beforeTestWrite(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.listener.TestLifecycleListener
BLOCKER - Enum constant in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


clear() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
Removes all the data stored for current thread.
ContainerLifecycleListener - Interface in io.qameta.allure.listener
Notifies about Allure test container lifecycle.
createEpicLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createFeatureLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createFrameworkLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createHostLabel() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createIssueLink(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(Epic) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(Feature) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(Owner) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(Severity) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(Story) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLabel(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLanguageLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLink(Issue) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLink(Link) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLink(TmsLink) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createLink(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createMapper() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.Allure2ModelJackson
createOwnerLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createPackageLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createParameter(String, Object) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createParameter(String, Object, Boolean, Parameter.Mode) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createParameters(Method, Object...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ParameterUtils
createParentSuiteLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createSeverityLabel(SeverityLevel) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createSeverityLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createStoryLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createSubSuiteLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createSuiteLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createTagLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createTestClassLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createTestMethodLabel(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createThreadLabel() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
createTmsLink(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
CUSTOM_LINK_TYPE - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LabelAnnotation
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LinkAnnotation
description(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds description to current test if any.
Description - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Annotation that allows to attach a description for a test.
descriptionHtml(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds descriptionHtml to current test if any.


epic(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds epic label to current test if any.
Epic - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mark tests with epic label.
EPIC_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Epics - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for Epic.
ExceptionUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
excluded() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Param
Set it to true to exclude the parameter from historyKey generation.


feature(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds feature label to current test if any.
Feature - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mark tests with feature label.
FEATURE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Features - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for Feature.
fileExtension() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Attachment
Optional attachment file extension.
FileSystemResultsWriter - Class in io.qameta.allure
FileSystemResultsWriter(Path) - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
firstNonEmpty(String...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
FixtureLifecycleListener - Interface in io.qameta.allure.listener
Notifies about Allure test fixtures lifecycle events.
Flaky - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mark tests as flaky (unstable).
FRAMEWORK_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


generateMethodSignatureHash(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
generateTestResultContainerName() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
generateTestResultContainerName(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
generateTestResultName() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
generateTestResultName(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
getContainer(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
getCurrent() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
Returns last (most recent) uuid.
getCurrentTestCase() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Returns uuid of current running test case if any.
getCurrentTestCaseOrStep() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Returns uuid of current running test case or step if any.
getFixture(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
getHostName() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getJavadocDescription(ClassLoader, Method) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getLabels(Annotation...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
getLabels(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns labels created from Allure meta annotations specified on annotated element.
getLabels(Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns labels from given annotations.
getLifecycle() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Returns AllureLifecycle for low level operations with results.
getLifecycle() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects
getLifecycle() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
getLinks(Annotation...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
getLinks(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns links created from Allure meta annotations specified on annotated element.
getLinks(Collection<Annotation>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns links from given annotations.
getLinkTypePatternPropertyName(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getMd5Digest() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getName(String, JoinPoint) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils
getParameters(MethodSignature, Object...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils
getParametersMap(JoinPoint) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils
getParametersMap(MethodSignature, Object...) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils
getProvidedLabels() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getRoot() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
Returns first (oldest) uuid.
getStatus(Throwable) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getStatusDetails(Throwable) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
getStep(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
getTestResult(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
getThreadName() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


HOST_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


INDENT_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.internal.Allure2ModelJackson
io.qameta.allure - package io.qameta.allure
io.qameta.allure.aspects - package io.qameta.allure.aspects
io.qameta.allure.internal - package io.qameta.allure.internal
io.qameta.allure.listener - package io.qameta.allure.listener
io.qameta.allure.util - package io.qameta.allure.util
isFlaky(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns true if Flaky annotation is present.
isMuted(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns true if Muted annotation is present.
issue(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds issue link to current test if any.
Issue - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to link tests with issues.
ISSUE_LINK_TYPE - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Issues - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for Issue.


label(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds label to current test if any.
LabelAnnotation - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Marker annotation.
LabelAnnotations - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for LabelAnnotation.
LANGUAGE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Lead - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
This annotation used to specify project leads for test case.
LEAD_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
LifecycleListener - Interface in io.qameta.allure.listener
Marker interface for lifecycle listeners.
LifecycleNotifier - Class in io.qameta.allure.listener
LifecycleNotifier(List<ContainerLifecycleListener>, List<TestLifecycleListener>, List<FixtureLifecycleListener>, List<StepLifecycleListener>) - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier
link(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds link to current test if any.
link(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds link to current test if any.
link(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds link to current test if any.
Link - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Use this annotation to add some links to results.
LinkAnnotation - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Marker annotation.
LinkAnnotations - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for LinkAnnotation.
Links - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for Link.
load(Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ServiceLoaderUtils
Load implementation by given type.
loadAllureProperties() - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.PropertiesUtils


mapToString(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ObjectUtils
md5(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
MINOR - Enum constant in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
mode() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Param
The parameter mode.
Muted - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mute tests.


name() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LabelAnnotation
The name of label.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Link
Name for link, by default url.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Param
The name of parameter.
name(String) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.StepContext
Sets step's name.
NamingUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel


objectToString(Object) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils
ObjectUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
Owner - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
This annotation used to specify owner for test case.
OWNER_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


PACKAGE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
Param - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
This annotation used to add parameters to results from method parameters.
parameter(String, T) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds parameter to current test if any.
parameter(String, T) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.StepContext
Adds parameter to a step.
parameter(String, T, Parameter.Mode) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds parameter to current test if any.
parameter(String, T, Parameter.Mode) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.StepContext
Adds parameter to a step.
parameter(String, T, Boolean) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds parameter to current test if any.
parameter(String, T, Boolean) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.StepContext
Adds parameter to a step.
parameter(String, T, Boolean, Parameter.Mode) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds parameter to current test if any.
parameter(String, T, Boolean, Parameter.Mode) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.StepContext
Adds parameter to a step.
ParameterUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
PARENT_SUITE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
prepareAttachment(String, String, String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Adds attachment to current running test or step, and returns source.
processDescription(ClassLoader, Method, Consumer<String>, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
processNameTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.NamingUtils
PropertiesUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
The collection of properties utils methods.
put(String, T) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage


remove(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureStorage
ResultsUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
The collection of Allure utils methods.
run() - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.ThrowableRunnable
run() - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.ThrowableRunnableVoid
run(T) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.ThrowableContextRunnableVoid
run(U) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.Allure.ThrowableContextRunnable
runSafely(List<T>, BiConsumer<T, S>, S) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.listener.LifecycleNotifier


scheduleTestCase(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Schedule given test case.
scheduleTestCase(String, TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Schedules test case with given parent.
ServiceLoaderUtils - Class in io.qameta.allure.util
Internal service loader util.
setCurrentTestCase(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Sets specified test case uuid as current.
setLifecycle(AllureLifecycle) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
setLifecycle(AllureLifecycle) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects
For tests only.
setLifecycle(AllureLifecycle) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
For tests only.
Severity - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to set severity for tests.
SEVERITY_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
SeverityLevel - Enum Class in io.qameta.allure
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ExceptionUtils
start(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
Adds new uuid.
startPrepareFixture(String, String, FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Start a new prepare fixture with given parent.
startStep(String, StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Start a new step as child step of current running test case or step.
startStep(String, String, StepResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Start a new step as child of specified parent.
startTearDownFixture(String, String, FixtureResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Start a new tear down fixture with given parent.
startTestCase(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Starts test case with given uuid.
startTestContainer(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Starts test container.
startTestContainer(String, TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Starts test container with specified parent container.
step(Allure.ThrowableContextRunnable<T, Allure.StepContext>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Run provided Allure.ThrowableRunnable as step with given name.
step(Allure.ThrowableContextRunnableVoid<Allure.StepContext>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
step(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds passed step with provided name in current test or step (or test fixture).
step(String, Allure.ThrowableContextRunnable<T, Allure.StepContext>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
step(String, Allure.ThrowableContextRunnableVoid<Allure.StepContext>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
step(String, Allure.ThrowableRunnable<T>) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
step(String, Allure.ThrowableRunnableVoid) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
step(String, Status) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds step with provided name and status in current test or step (or test fixture).
Step - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Annotations to mark step methods.
stepFailed(Throwable) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
StepLifecycleListener - Interface in io.qameta.allure.listener
Notifies about Allure step lifecycle events.
StepsAspects - Class in io.qameta.allure.aspects
StepsAspects() - Constructor for class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
stepStart(JoinPoint) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
stepStop() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
stop() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.internal.AllureThreadContext
Removes latest added uuid.
stopFixture(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Stops fixture by given uuid.
stopStep() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Stops current running step.
stopStep(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Stops step by given uuid.
stopTestCase(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Stops test case by given uuid.
stopTestContainer(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Stops test container by given uuid.
Stories - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for Story.
story(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds story label to current test if any.
Story - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to mark test case with a story label.
STORY_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
SUB_SUITE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
suite(String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds suite label to current test if any.
SUITE_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils


TAG_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
TEST_CLASS_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
TEST_METHOD_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
TEST_RESULT_CONTAINER_FILE_GLOB - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
TEST_RESULT_CONTAINER_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
TEST_RESULT_FILE_GLOB - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
TEST_RESULT_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.AllureConstants
TestLifecycleListener - Interface in io.qameta.allure.listener
Listener that notifies about Allure Lifecycle events.
THREAD_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
tms(String, String) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.Allure
Adds tms link to current test if any.
TMS_LINK_TYPE - Static variable in class io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils
TmsLink - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Used to link tests with test cases in external test management system.
TmsLinks - Annotation Interface in io.qameta.allure
Wrapper annotation for TmsLink.
toString() - Method in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
toString(Object) - Static method in class io.qameta.allure.util.ObjectUtils
Returns string representation of given object.
TRIVIAL - Enum constant in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
type() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Attachment
Valid attachment MimeType, for example "text/plain" or "application/json".
type() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Link
This type is used for create an icon for link.
type() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LinkAnnotation
This type is used for create an icon for link.


updateFixture(String, Consumer<FixtureResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates fixture by given uuid.
updateFixture(Consumer<FixtureResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates current running fixture.
updateStep(String, Consumer<StepResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates step by specified uuid.
updateStep(Consumer<StepResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates current step.
updateTestCase(String, Consumer<TestResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates test case by given uuid.
updateTestCase(Consumer<TestResult>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Shortcut for AllureLifecycle.updateTestCase(String, Consumer) for current running test case uuid.
updateTestContainer(String, Consumer<TestResultContainer>) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Updates test container.
url() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Link
Url for link.
url() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LinkAnnotation
Url for link.
useJavaDoc() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Description
Use annotated method's javadoc to extract description that supports html markdown.


value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.AllureId
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Attachment
The attachment name.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Description
Simple description text as String.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Epic
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Epics
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Feature
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Features
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Issue
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Issues
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LabelAnnotation
Th value of label.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LabelAnnotations
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Lead
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Link
Alias for
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LinkAnnotation
The value of link.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.LinkAnnotations
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Links
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Owner
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Param
Alias for
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Severity
value() - Method in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Step
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Stories
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.Story
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.TmsLink
value() - Element in annotation interface io.qameta.allure.TmsLinks
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.qameta.allure.SeverityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


withAttachmentAnnotation() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.AttachmentsAspects
Pointcut for things annotated with Attachment.
withStepAnnotation() - Method in class io.qameta.allure.aspects.StepsAspects
write(TestResult) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.AllureResultsWriter
Writes Allure test result bean.
write(TestResult) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
write(TestResultContainer) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.AllureResultsWriter
Writes Allure test result container bean.
write(TestResultContainer) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
write(String, InputStream) - Method in interface io.qameta.allure.AllureResultsWriter
Writes given attachment.
write(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.FileSystemResultsWriter
writeAttachment(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Writes attachment with specified source.
writeTestCase(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Writes test case with given uuid using configured AllureResultsWriter.
writeTestContainer(String) - Method in class io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle
Writes test container with given uuid.
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