All Classes and Interfaces

Superclass of all annotation literals generated by ArC.
The container provides a synthetic bean for an injection point with the required type List and the required qualifier All.
Supports inline instantiation of this qualifier.
Provides access to the ArC container.
Represents a container instance.
A configuration object used while initializing Arc, see Arc.initialize() methods.
Enhanced version of InvocationContext.
Exception that is thrown from generated arc classes if a checked exception cannot be propagated
Handles an exception thrown by an asynchronous observer.
This interface is used by synthetic beans to produce a contextual instance.
It can be used by synthetic InjectableBean definitions to destroy a contextual instance.
BeanManager provider.
Bean metadata provider.
Common class for all built-in beans.
Represents a client proxy - a contextual reference to a bean with a normal scope.
Service provider interface used to colllect the runtime components.
Computing cache backed by a ConcurrentHashMap which intentionally does not use Map.computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) and is reentrant.
Can be used to create an InjectableContext instance.
An instance handle that can be used to store contextual instances in an InjectableContext.
Represents the current context of a normal scope.
This factory can be used to create a new CurrentContext for a normal scope, e.g.
Set the current InjectionPoint during creation of a dependent bean.
If a bean is annotated with this annotation, it means that the bean will only be used as a default bean if no other bean of this type is configured.
Supplier implementation that supplies a pre-configured value.
This code was mainly copied from Weld codebase.
Qualifies a bean with a string-based identifier.
Supports inline instantiation of this qualifier.
Quarkus representation of an injectable bean.
A context implementing this interface makes it possible to capture and view its state via the InjectableContext.ContextState.
Quarkus representation of a decorator bean.
Enhanced version of Instance.
Quarkus representation of an interceptor bean.
Represents an observer method.
Represents an instance handle.
Intercepted Bean metadata provider.
Immutable metadata for a specific intercepted method.
This interface is used by synthetic interceptor to initialize an interceptor instance.
Defines a concurrency lock for a bean.
A context implementing this interface can be manually managed.
Supplier implementation that supplies a value from a map.
An interface implemented by mockable components when running in test mode.
If a business method or constructor is annotated @NoClassInterceptors, then interceptors whose interceptor binding annotations are present on a class are ignored for this method or constructor.
A method reactive returned type.
Neither the class nor its methods are considered a public API and should only be used internally.
An unused bean removed during the build process.
Represents a placeholder for all suppored non-CDI injection points.
Makes it possible to resolve non-CDI injection points, such as Java EE resources.
A marker interface that represents an intercepted/decorated subclass.
Creational context for synthetic beans.
Indicates that the bean marked with this annotation should never be removed by Arc even if it's considered unused.
Denotes a producer method or field that should be vetoed, i.e.
This code was mainly copied from Weld codebase.
An injected Instance annotated with this annotation will cache the result of the Provider.get() operation.