Annotation Type DateFormat

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface DateFormat
    An annotation that can be used on a date JAX-RS Resource method parameter type in order to determine the format that will be used to parse that type. Supported types are:
    • java.time.LocalDate
    • java.time.LocalDateTime
    • java.time.LocalTime
    • java.time.OffsetDateTime
    • java.time.OffsetTime
    • java.time.ZonedDateTime
    • Field Detail


        static final String UNSET_PATTERN
    • Element Detail

      • pattern

        String pattern
        If set, this string will be used in order to build a DateTimeFormatter using DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern. Subsequently, the built DateTimeFormatter will be used in order to parse the input String into the desired type.
      • dateTimeFormatterProvider

        Class<? extends DateFormat.DateTimeFormatterProvider> dateTimeFormatterProvider
        If set, the class will be used to provide a DateTimeFormatter that will then be used in order to parse the input String into the desired type.