Class ServerMediaType

  • public class ServerMediaType
    extends Object
    A representation of a server side media type. TODO: This belongs in the server module but needs to be untangled from ResourceWriter (in a way that doesn't hurt performance) to make that happen
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerMediaType

        public ServerMediaType​(List<> mediaTypes,
                               String charset,
                               boolean deprioritizeWildcards)
        mediaTypes - The original media types
        charset - charset to use
        deprioritizeWildcards - whether or not wildcard types should be carry less weight when sorting is performed
    • Method Detail

      • mediaTypesFromArray

        public static List<> mediaTypesFromArray​(String[] mediaTypesStrs)
      • negotiateProduces

        public Map.Entry<,​> negotiateProduces​(String acceptHeader)
        An entry containing the negotiated desired media type as a key and the negotiated provided media type as a value
      • negotiateProduces

        public Map.Entry<,​> negotiateProduces​(String acceptHeader,
        An entry containing the negotiated desired media type as a key and the negotiated provided media type as a value
      • getSortedMediaTypes

        public[] getSortedMediaTypes()
      • getSortedOriginalMediaTypes

        public[] getSortedOriginalMediaTypes()