Annotation Type ServerRequestFilter

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface ServerRequestFilter
    When used on a method, then an implementation of ContainerRequestFilter is generated that calls the annotated method with the proper arguments

    The idea behind using this is to make it much to write a ServerRequestFilter as all the necessary information is passed as arguments to the method instead of forcing the author to use a mix of @Context and programmatic CDI look-ups.

    An example filter could look like this:

     public class CustomContainerRequestFilter {
         private final SomeBean someBean;
         // SomeBean will be automatically injected by CDI as long as SomeBean is a bean itself
         public CustomContainerRequestFilter(SomeBean someBean) {
             this.someBean = someBean;
         public void whatever(UriInfo uriInfo, HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
             // do something
    Methods annotated with ServerRequestFilter can declare any of the following parameters (in any order) The return type of the method must be either be of type void, Response, Optional<Response>, Uni<Void> or Uni<Response>.
    • void should be used when filtering does not need to perform any blocking operations and the filter cannot abort processing.
    • Response should be used when filtering does not need to perform any blocking operations and the filter cannot abort processing - in this case the processing will be aborted if the response is not null.
    • Optional<Response> should be used when filtering does not need to perform any blocking operations but the filter might abort processing - in this case processing is aborted when the Optional contains a Response payload.
    • Uni<Void> should be used when filtering needs to perform a blocking operations but the filter cannot abort processing. Note that Uni<Void> can easily be produced using: Uni.createFrom().nullItem()
    • Uni<Response> should be used when filtering needs to perform a blocking operations and the filter might abort processing - in this case processing is aborted when the Uni contains a Response payload.
    Another important thing to note is that if ContainerRequestContext is used as a request parameter, calling abortWith is not allowed. You should use the proper response type if aborting processing is necessary.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean nonBlocking
      Normally ContainerRequestFilter classes are run by RESTEasy Reactive on the same thread as the Resource Method - this means than when a Resource Method is annotated with Blocking, the filters will also be run on a worker thread.
      boolean preMatching
      Whether or not the filter is a pre-matching filter
      int priority
      The priority with which this request filter will be executed
    • Element Detail

      • priority

        int priority
        The priority with which this request filter will be executed
      • preMatching

        boolean preMatching
        Whether or not the filter is a pre-matching filter
      • nonBlocking

        boolean nonBlocking
        Normally ContainerRequestFilter classes are run by RESTEasy Reactive on the same thread as the Resource Method - this means than when a Resource Method is annotated with Blocking, the filters will also be run on a worker thread. This is meant to be set to true if a filter should be run on the event-loop even if the target Resource method is going to be run on the worker thread. For this to work, this filter must be run before any of the filters when non-blocking is not required.