Interface FormDataParser

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface FormDataParser
    extends Closeable
    Parser for form data. This can be used by down-stream handlers to parse form data.

    This parser must be closed to make sure any temporary files have been cleaned up.

    Stuart Douglas
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        void parse()
            throws Exception
        Parse the form data asynchronously. If all the data cannot be read immediately then a read listener will be registered, and the data will be parsed by the read thread.

        The method can either invoke the next handler directly, or may delegate to the IO thread to perform the parsing.

      • parseBlocking

        FormData parseBlocking()
                        throws Exception
        Parse the data, blocking the current thread until parsing is complete. For blocking handlers this method is more efficient than #parse(ResteasyReactiveRequestContext next), as the calling thread should do that actual parsing, rather than the read thread
        The parsed form data
        IOException - If the data could not be read
      • setCharacterEncoding

        void setCharacterEncoding​(String encoding)
        Sets the character encoding that will be used by this parser. If the request is already processed this will have no effect
        encoding - The encoding