Annotation Interface ServerResponseFilter

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface ServerResponseFilter
When used on a method, then an implementation of ContainerResponseContext is generated that calls the annotated method with the proper arguments

The idea behind using this is to make it much to write a ServerResponseFilter as all the necessary information is passed as arguments to the method instead of forcing the author to use a mix of @Context and programmatic CDI look-ups.

An example filter could look like this:

 public class CustomContainerResponseFilter {

     private final SomeBean someBean;

     // SomeBean will be automatically injected by CDI as long as SomeBean is a bean itself
     public CustomContainerResponseFilter(SomeBean someBean) {
         this.someBean = someBean;

     public void whatever(SimplifiedResourceInfo resourceInfo) {
         // do something
Methods annotated with ServerRequestFilter can declare any of the following parameters (in any order)
  • ContainerRequestContext
  • ContainerResponseContext
  • ResourceInfo
  • UriInfo
  • SimpleResourceInfo
  • Throwable - The thrown exception - or null if no exception was thrown
The return type of the method must be either be of type void or Uni<Void>.
  • void should be used when filtering does not need to perform any blocking operations.
  • Uni<Void> should be used when filtering needs to perform a blocking operations.
Another important thing to note is that if ContainerRequestContext is used as a request parameter, calling abortWith is prohibited by the JAX-RS specification.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The priority with which this response filter will be executed
  • Element Details

    • priority

      int priority
      The priority with which this response filter will be executed