All Classes and Interfaces

This build item is used to specify one or more additional bean classes to be analyzed during bean discovery.
Make it possible to add, remove or alter annotations on various components.
This class contains build steps that trigger various phases of the bean processing.
This tracks beans etc from the platform that have already been generated.
This build item can be used to turn a class that is not annotated with a CDI scope annotation into a bean, i.e.
This build item can be used to define annotations that will turn a non-static field into an injection point even if no Inject is declared.
Represent a Jandex IndexView on the whole deployment that has a complete CDI-related information.
By default, only explicit/implicit bean archives (as defined by the spec) are considered during the bean discovery.
A build item that represents the fully initialized CDI bean container.
Build item that registers a listener which gets notified as soon as the CDI bean container is initialized.
This build item is used to specify additional bean defining annotations.
Consumers of this build item can easily inspect all class-based beans, observers and injection points registered in the application.
Bean registration phase can be used to register synthetic beans.
A type of build item that contains only declaring classes, methods and fields that have been annotated with unsuccessful build time conditions.
This build item hold the "final" predicate that is used to distinguish application classes from framework/library classes.
MicroProfile Config related build steps.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This build item is not used anymore
Represents a mandatory config property that needs to be validated at runtime.
Context registration phase can be used to register custom CDI contexts.
A build item holding a list of ContextConfigurator objects which is used to register custom CDI contexts.
An extension can provide a custom CurrentContextFactory.
Holds information about all known custom scopes in the deployment and has utility methods allowing to check whether given class has some scope annotation.
An extension that registers a custom CDI context via ContextRegistrationPhaseBuildItem should produce this build item in order to contribute the custom scope annotation name to the set of bean defining annotations.
This build item is used to specify types to be excluded from discovery.
A generated CDI bean.
Allows extensions to programmatically exclude certain packages from split package detection which is executed by SplitPackageProcessor.
A processor that is used to track all InitTaskCompletedBuildItem in order to exit once they are completed if needed.
Make it possible to programmatically modify qualifiers on an injection point.
Represents an intercepted static method.
Marker build item to signal that bytecode transformers used for static method interception were registered.
Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered interceptor bindings but are not annotated with jakarta.interceptor.InterceptorBinding.
Holds a reference to the interceptor resolver.
Marks a bean archive with given coordinates (groupId, artifactId and optionally classifier) as known compatible with Quarkus.
An extension that needs to produce other build items during the "synthetic observer registration" phase should use this build item.
This build item is used to register an ObserverTransformer instance.
Validates observer methods from application classes.
A build item that represents the fully initialized CDI bean container.
Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered qualifiers but are not annotated with jakarta.inject.Qualifier.
use synthetic beans for bean initialization instead
This build item instructs ArC to produce a ReflectiveClassBuildItem for a client proxy and intercepted subclass generated for the given bean class.
It's made public so that you can make use of the abstraction.
This build item is used to specify resource annotations that makes it possible to resolve non-CDI injection points, such as Java EE resources.
Split package (same package coming from multiple app archives) is considered a bad practice and this processor tries to detect it and log a warning listing out the offending packages.
Makes it possible to register annotations that should be considered stereotypes but are not annotated with jakarta.enterprise.inject.Stereotype.
This build item can be used to contribute logic to the generated method body of InjectableBean.isSuppressed().
Consumers of this build item can easily inspect all beans, observers and injection points registered in the application.
Makes it possible to register a synthetic bean.
This construct is not thread-safe and should not be reused.
This build item should be consumed by build steps that require RUNTIME_INIT synthetic beans to be initialized.
Makes it possible to query transformed annotations for a given annotation target.
This build item is used to exclude beans that would be normally removed if the config property ArcConfig.removeUnusedBeans is set to true.
Validation phase can be used to validate the deployment.