Interface BeanContainer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface BeanContainer
    Represents a CDI bean container.

    Extensions using this API can also leverage arbitrary methods from running ArcContainer which can be obtained by invoking a static method Arc.container().

    • Method Detail

      • beanInstance

        <T> T beanInstance​(Class<T> beanType,
                           Annotation... beanQualifiers)
        Resolves a bean instance for given bean type and qualifiers.

        Performs standard CDI resolution meaning it either returns a bean instance or throws a corresponding exception if the dependency is either unsatisfied or ambiguous.

        beanType - type of the bean
        beanQualifiers - bean qualifiers
        a bean instance; never null
      • beanInstanceFactory

        <T> BeanContainer.Factory<T> beanInstanceFactory​(Class<T> type,
                                                         Annotation... qualifiers)
        Returns an instance factory for given bean type and qualifiers.

        This method performs CDI ambiguous dependency resolution and throws and exception if there are two or more beans with given type and qualifiers.

        If no matching bean is found, uses a default fallback factory that will attempt to instantiate a non-CDI object of the given class via no-args constructor.

        If you need custom factory behavior, take a look at beanInstanceFactory(Supplier, Class, Annotation...)

        type - bean type
        qualifiers - bean qualifiers
        a bean instance factory, never null
      • beanInstanceFactory

        <T> BeanContainer.Factory<T> beanInstanceFactory​(Supplier<BeanContainer.Factory<T>> fallbackSupplier,
                                                         Class<T> type,
                                                         Annotation... qualifiers)
        Returns an instance factory for given bean type and qualifiers.

        This method performs CDI ambiguous dependency resolution and throws and exception if there are two or more beans with given type and qualifiers.

        If no matching bean is found, delegates all calls to the supplied factory fallback.

        fallbackSupplier - supplier to delegate to if there is no bean
        type - bean type
        qualifiers - bean qualifiers
        a bean instance factory, never null
      • requestContext

        ManagedContext requestContext()
         ManagedContext requestContext = beanContainer.requestContext();
         if (requestContext.isActive()) {
             // Perform action
         } else {
             try {
                 // Perform action
             } finally {
        the context for RequestScoped
        IllegalStateException - If the container is not running