All Classes and Interfaces

This built-in stereotype is automatically added to all additional beans that do not have a scope annotation declared.
Context propagation for ArC.
Creates the implementation of the class by getting a bean from Arc.
Represents a CDI bean container.
An interface that can be used to configure beans immediately after the BeanContainer has been created.
Invokes a business method of a bean.
Interceptor binding for ConfigStaticInitCheckInterceptor.
Intercepts the producer methods declared on ConfigProducer and records the config value during the static initialization phase unless the injection point is annotated with StaticInitSafe.
This is a store for all config values injected (directly or programmatically) during the static init phase.
When applied to a bean class or producer method (or field), the bean will only be enabled if the Quarkus build time profile matches the rules of the annotation values.
When applied to a bean class or producer method (or field), the bean will only be enabled if the Quarkus build time property matches the provided value.
Business method invocation.
Supports inline instantiation of this qualifier.
Indicates that a bean should only be obtained by programmatic lookup if the property matches the provided value.
Indicates that a bean should only be obtained by programmatic lookup if the property does not match the provided value.
When applied to a bean class or producer method (or field), the bean will only be enabled if the Quarkus build time profile does not match the rules of the annotation values.
When applied to a bean class or producer method (or field), the bean will only be enabled if the Quarkus build time property does not match the provided value.