Class ArchivePathTree

    • Field Detail

      • archive

        protected final Path archive
    • Method Detail

      • getRoots

        public Collection<Path> getRoots()
        Description copied from interface: PathTree
        The roots of the path tree.
        Specified by:
        getRoots in interface PathTree
        roots of the path tree
      • walk

        public void walk​(PathVisitor visitor)
        Description copied from interface: PathTree
        Walks the tree.
        Specified by:
        walk in interface PathTree
        visitor - path visitor
      • accept

        public void accept​(String relativePath,
                           Consumer<PathVisit> consumer)
        Description copied from interface: PathTree
        Consumes a given path relative to the root of the tree. If the path isn't found in the tree, the PathVisit argument passed to the consumer will be null.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface PathTree
        relativePath - relative path to consume
        consumer - path consumer
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(String relativePath)
        Description copied from interface: PathTree
        Checks whether the tree contains a relative path.
        Specified by:
        contains in interface PathTree
        relativePath - path relative to the root of the tree
        true, in case the tree contains the path, otherwise - false
      • open

        public OpenPathTree open()
        Description copied from interface: PathTree
        Returns an OpenPathTree for this tree, which is supposed to be closed at the end of processing. It is meant to be an optimization when processing multiple paths of path trees that represent archives. If a path tree does not represent an archive but a directory, for example, this method is expected to be a no-op, returning the original tree as an instance of OpenPathTree.
        Specified by:
        open in interface PathTree
        an instance of OpenPathTree for this path tree
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object