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AbstractCache - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
AbstractCache() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache


BASE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor


Cache - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
Use this interface to interact with a cache programmatically.
CacheDevConsoleRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole
CacheDevConsoleRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheDevConsoleRecorder
CacheException - Exception in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheException
CacheInterceptionContext<T extends Annotation> - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInterceptionContext(List<T>, List<Short>) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
CacheInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
CacheInvalidate - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidate is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to try to remove an existing entry from the cache.
CacheInvalidate.List - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
CacheInvalidateAll - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidateAll is invoked, Quarkus will remove all entries from the cache.
CacheInvalidateAll.List - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor
CacheInvalidateInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInvalidateInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateInterceptor
CacheKey - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method argument is annotated with CacheKey, it is identified as a part of a cache key during an invocation of a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate.
CacheKeyParameterPositions - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This interceptor binding is added at build time on a method if: it is annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate at least one of its arguments is annotated with CacheKey It helps improving performances by storing at build time the positions of CacheKey-annotated arguments instead of relying on reflection at run time (which is bad for performances) to identify these positions.
cacheManager - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
cacheManager - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer
cacheManager() - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
CacheManager - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
Use this interface to retrieve all existing Cache names and interact with any cache programmatically.
CacheManagerImpl - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is registered as an @ApplicationScoped synthetic bean at build time.
CacheManagerImpl(Map<String, Cache>) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
CacheManagerInitializer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is used to eagerly create the CacheManager bean instance at STATIC_INIT execution time.
CacheManagerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerInitializer
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidate
The name of the cache.
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidateAll
The name of the cache.
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheResult
The name of the cache.
CacheName - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
Use this annotation on a field, a constructor parameter or a method parameter to inject a Cache and interact with it programmatically.
CacheProducer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheProducer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer
CacheResult - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheResult is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to check in the cache whether the method has been already invoked.
CacheResultInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheResultInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheResultInterceptor
CaffeineCache - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation.
CaffeineCache(CaffeineCacheInfo) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
CaffeineCacheBuildRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
CaffeineCacheBuildRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheBuildRecorder
CaffeineCacheInfo - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
CaffeineCacheInfo() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
CaffeineCacheSupplier - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CaffeineCacheSupplier() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
CaffeineComputationThrowable - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
This class is used to prevent Caffeine from logging unwanted warnings.
CaffeineComputationThrowable(Throwable) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineComputationThrowable
clearCacheHandler() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheDevConsoleRecorder
CompositeCacheKey - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
A composite cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked and when the cache key is composed of several of the method arguments (annotated with CacheKey or not).
CompositeCacheKey(Object...) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CompositeCacheKey


DefaultCacheKey - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
A default cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a no-args method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked.
DefaultCacheKey(String) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.DefaultCacheKey


equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CompositeCacheKey
equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.DefaultCacheKey
expireAfterAccess - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
expireAfterWrite - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo


fromCacheValue(Object) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter


get() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
get(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
get(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
Returns a CompletableFuture holding the cache value identified by key, obtaining that value from valueLoader if necessary.
get(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
getCache(String) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CacheManager
Gets the cache identified by the given name.
getCache(String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
getCacheKey(AbstractCache, List<Short>, Object[]) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
getCacheKeyParameterPositions() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
getCacheManagerSupplier(Set<CaffeineCacheInfo>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheBuildRecorder
getCacheManagerSupplier(Set<String>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCacheBuildRecorder
getCacheNames() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CacheManager
Gets a collection of all cache names.
getCacheNames() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
getCause() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineComputationThrowable
getDefaultKey() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
Returns the unique and immutable default key for the current cache.
getExpireAfterAccess() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
getExpireAfterWrite() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
getInitialCapacity() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
getInterceptionContext(InvocationContext, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
getInterceptorBindings() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
getMaximumSize() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
getName() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
getName() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
getName() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
getSize() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache


hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CompositeCacheKey
hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.DefaultCacheKey


initialCapacity - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.UnresolvedUniValue
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateInterceptor
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheResultInterceptor
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
io.quarkus.cache - package io.quarkus.cache
io.quarkus.cache.runtime - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop


lockTimeout() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheResult
Delay in milliseconds before the lock on cache miss is interrupted.


maximumSize - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo


name - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
NoOpCache - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation.
NoOpCache() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
NoOpCacheBuildRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop
NoOpCacheBuildRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCacheBuildRecorder
NULL_KEYS_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
NullValueConverter - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is used to allow the storage of null values in the Quarkus cache while it is forbidden by the underlying caching provider.
NullValueConverter() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter


produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer


replaceUniValue(Object, Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
Replaces the cache value associated with the given key by an item emitted by a Uni.
replaceUniValue(Object, Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCache
replaceUniValue(Object, Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache


toCacheValue(Object) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter


UnresolvedUniValue - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This value acts as a placeholder in the cache.


value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidate.List
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidateAll.List
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheName
The name of the cache.
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheKeyParameterPositions
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