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AbstractCache - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
AbstractCache() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Returns this cache as an instance of the provided type if possible.
as(Class<T>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
asyncInvocationResultToUni(Object, CacheInterceptor.ReturnType) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor


BASE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
build(Set<String>) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCacheManagerBuilder
build(Set<String>, CacheConfig) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfoBuilder
buildWithMicrometerMetrics(Set<String>, CacheConfig) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManagerBuilder
buildWithoutMetrics(Set<String>, CacheConfig) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManagerBuilder


cache - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
Cache - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
Use this interface to interact with a cache programmatically e.g.
CacheConfig - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheConfig() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig
CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheDevConsoleRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole
CacheDevConsoleRecorder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheDevConsoleRecorder
CacheException - Exception in io.quarkus.cache
This exception is thrown when a cache value computation fails because of an exception.
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.quarkus.cache.CacheException
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.quarkus.cache.CacheException
CacheInterceptionContext<T> - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInterceptionContext(List<T>, List<Short>) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
CacheInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
CacheInterceptor.ReturnType - Enum in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInvalidate - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidate is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to try to remove an existing entry from the cache.
CacheInvalidate.List - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
CacheInvalidateAll - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidateAll is invoked, Quarkus will remove all entries from the cache.
CacheInvalidateAll.List - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor
CacheInvalidateInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheInvalidateInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateInterceptor
CacheJsonRPCService - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole
CacheJsonRPCService() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService
CacheKey - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method argument is annotated with CacheKey, it is identified as a part of a cache key during an invocation of a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate.
CacheKeyGenerator - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
Implement this interface to generate a cache key based on the cached method, its parameters or any data available from within the generator.
CacheKeyParameterPositions - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This interceptor binding is added at build time on a method if: it is annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate at least one of its arguments is annotated with CacheKey It helps improving performances by storing at build time the positions of CacheKey-annotated arguments instead of relying on reflection at run time (which is bad for performances) to identify these positions.
cacheManager - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
cacheManager - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer
cacheManager() - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
CacheManager - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
Use this interface to retrieve all existing Cache names and interact with any cache programmatically e.g.
CacheManagerImpl - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is registered as an @ApplicationScoped synthetic bean at build time.
CacheManagerImpl(Map<String, Cache>) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
CacheManagerInitializer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is used to eagerly create the CacheManager bean instance at RUNTIME_INIT execution time.
CacheManagerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerInitializer
CacheManagerRecorder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheManagerRecorder(CacheConfig) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerRecorder
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidate
The name of the cache.
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidateAll
The name of the cache.
cacheName() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheResult
The name of the cache.
CacheName - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
Use this annotation on a field, a constructor parameter or a method parameter to inject a Cache and interact with it programmatically e.g.
CacheProducer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheProducer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer
CacheResult - Annotation Type in io.quarkus.cache
When a method annotated with CacheResult is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to check in the cache whether the method has been already invoked.
CacheResultInterceptor - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CacheResultInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheResultInterceptor
cachesConfig - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig
Additional configuration applied to a specific Caffeine cache (highest precedence)
caffeine - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig
Caffeine configuration.
CAFFEINE_CACHE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig
CaffeineCache - Interface in io.quarkus.cache
CaffeineCacheConfig() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
CaffeineCacheImpl - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation.
CaffeineCacheImpl(CaffeineCacheInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
CaffeineCacheInfo - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
CaffeineCacheInfo() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
CaffeineCacheInfoBuilder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
CaffeineCacheInfoBuilder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfoBuilder
CaffeineCacheManagerBuilder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
CaffeineCacheManagerBuilder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManagerBuilder
CaffeineCacheSupplier - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
CaffeineCacheSupplier() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
CaffeineComputationThrowable - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
This class is used to prevent Caffeine from logging unwanted warnings.
CaffeineComputationThrowable(Throwable) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineComputationThrowable
CaffeineConfig() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig
clear(String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService
clearCacheHandler() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheDevConsoleRecorder
CompletionStage - io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor.ReturnType
CompositeCacheKey - Class in io.quarkus.cache
A composite cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked and when the cache key is composed of several of the method arguments (annotated with CacheKey or not).
CompositeCacheKey(Object...) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.CompositeCacheKey
createAsyncResult(Uni<Object>, CacheInterceptor.ReturnType) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor


DefaultCacheKey - Class in io.quarkus.cache
A default cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a no-args method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked.
DefaultCacheKey(String) - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.DefaultCacheKey
defaultConfig - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig
Default configuration applied to all Caffeine caches (lowest precedence)
determineReturnType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor


enabled - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig
Whether or not the cache extension is enabled.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.CompositeCacheKey
equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.DefaultCacheKey
equals(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
expireAfterAccess - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last read.
expireAfterAccess - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
expireAfterWrite - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.
expireAfterWrite - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo


fromCacheValue(Object) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter


generate(Method, Object...) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CacheKeyGenerator
Generates a cache key.
generate(Method, Object...) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.UndefinedCacheKeyGenerator
get() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CaffeineCacheSupplier
get(K, Function<K, V>) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Returns a lazy asynchronous action that will emit the cache value identified by key, obtaining that value from valueLoader if necessary.
get(K, Function<K, V>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
get(K, Function<K, V>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
getAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService
getAsync(K, Function<K, Uni<V>>) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Returns a lazy asynchronous action that will emit the cache value identified by key, obtaining that value from valueLoader if necessary.
getAsync(K, Function<K, Uni<V>>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
getAsync(K, Function<K, Uni<V>>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
getCache(String) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CacheManager
Gets the cache identified by the given name.
getCache(String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
getCacheInfo() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
getCacheKey(Cache, Class<? extends CacheKeyGenerator>, List<Short>, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
getCacheKeyParameterPositions() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
getCacheManagerSupplierWithMicrometerMetrics(Set<String>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerRecorder
getCacheManagerSupplierWithoutMetrics(Set<String>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerRecorder
getCacheNames() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CacheManager
Gets a collection of all cache names.
getCacheNames() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheManagerImpl
getCause() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineComputationThrowable
getDefaultKey() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Returns the unique and immutable default key for the current cache.
getDefaultKey() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
getIfPresent(Object) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Returns the future associated with key in this cache, or null if there is no cached future for key.
getIfPresent(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
getInterceptionContext(InvocationContext, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
getInterceptorBindings() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptionContext
getName() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Returns the cache name.
getName() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
getName() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
getSize() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl


hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.CompositeCacheKey
hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.DefaultCacheKey
hashCode() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo


initialCapacity - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
Minimum total size for the internal data structures.
initialCapacity - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.UnresolvedUniValue
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateAllInterceptor
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInvalidateInterceptor
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheResultInterceptor
invalidate(Object) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Removes the cache entry identified by key from the cache.
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
invalidateAll() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Removes all entries from the cache.
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
invalidateIf(Predicate<Object>) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.Cache
Removes all cache entries whose keys match the given predicate.
invalidateIf(Predicate<Object>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
invalidateIf(Predicate<Object>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
io.quarkus.cache - package io.quarkus.cache
io.quarkus.cache.runtime - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole
io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop - package io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop


keyGenerator - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
keyGenerator() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidate
The CacheKeyGenerator implementation to use to generate a cache key.
keyGenerator() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheResult
The CacheKeyGenerator implementation to use to generate a cache key.
keySet() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Returns an unmodifiable Set view of the keys contained in this cache.
keySet() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl


lockTimeout() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheResult
Delay in milliseconds before the lock on cache miss is interrupted.
logger - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService


manager - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService
maximumSize - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
Maximum number of entries the cache may contain.
maximumSize - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
metricsEnabled - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig.CaffeineConfig.CaffeineCacheConfig
Whether or not metrics are recorded if the application depends on the Micrometer extension.
metricsEnabled - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
metricsEnabled() - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.MetricsInitializer
metricsEnabled() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.MicrometerMetricsInitializer
metricsEnabled() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.NoOpMetricsInitializer
MetricsInitializer - Interface in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics
MicrometerMetricsInitializer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics
An instance of this class is created during the instantiation of the Caffeine caches when the application depends on a quarkus-micrometer-registry-* extension.
MicrometerMetricsInitializer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.MicrometerMetricsInitializer


name - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheInfo
NonAsync - io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor.ReturnType
NoOpCache - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation.
NoOpCache() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCache
NoOpCacheManagerBuilder - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop
NoOpCacheManagerBuilder() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.noop.NoOpCacheManagerBuilder
NoOpMetricsInitializer - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics
An instance of this class is created during the instantiation of the Caffeine caches when the application does not depend on any quarkus-micrometer-registry-* extension.
NoOpMetricsInitializer() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.NoOpMetricsInitializer
NULL_KEYS_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.AbstractCache
NullValueConverter - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This class is used to allow the storage of null values in the Quarkus cache while it is forbidden by the underlying caching provider.
NullValueConverter() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter


produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheProducer
put(Object, CompletableFuture<V>) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Associates value with key in this cache.
put(Object, CompletableFuture<V>) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl


recordMetrics(AsyncCache<Object, Object>, String) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.MetricsInitializer
recordMetrics(AsyncCache<Object, Object>, String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.MicrometerMetricsInitializer
recordMetrics(AsyncCache<Object, Object>, String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.metrics.NoOpMetricsInitializer
refresh(String) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.devconsole.CacheJsonRPCService


setExpireAfterAccess(Duration) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Changes the duration, initially set from the configuration, after which each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once that duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last read.
setExpireAfterAccess(Duration) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
setExpireAfterWrite(Duration) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Changes the duration, initially set from the configuration, after which each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once that duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.
setExpireAfterWrite(Duration) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl
setMaximumSize(long) - Method in interface io.quarkus.cache.CaffeineCache
Changes the maximum number of entries the cache may contain.
setMaximumSize(long) - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.caffeine.CaffeineCacheImpl


toCacheValue(Object) - Static method in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.NullValueConverter
toString() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.CompositeCacheKey
toString() - Method in class io.quarkus.cache.DefaultCacheKey
type - Variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheConfig
Cache type.


UndefinedCacheKeyGenerator - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This CacheKeyGenerator implementation is ignored by CacheInterceptor when a cache key is computed.
UndefinedCacheKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.UndefinedCacheKeyGenerator
UNHANDLED_ASYNC_RETURN_TYPE_MSG - Static variable in class io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor
Uni - io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor.ReturnType
UnresolvedUniValue - Class in io.quarkus.cache.runtime
This placeholder is not used anymore and will be removed at some time after Quarkus 3.0.


value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidate.List
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheInvalidateAll.List
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.CacheName
The name of the cache.
value() - Method in annotation type io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheKeyParameterPositions
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor.ReturnType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.quarkus.cache.runtime.CacheInterceptor.ReturnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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