Annotation Interface CacheName

@Qualifier @Target({FIELD,METHOD,PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface CacheName

Use this annotation on a field, a constructor parameter or a method parameter to inject a Cache and interact with it programmatically e.g. store, retrieve or delete cache values.

Field injection example:

 public class CachedService {

     Cache cache;

     String getExpensiveValue(Object key) {
         Uni<String> cacheValue = cache.get(key, () -> expensiveService.getValue(key));
         return cacheValue.await().indefinitely();
Constructor parameter injection example:
 public class CachedService {

     private Cache cache;

     public CachedService(@CacheName("my-cache") Cache cache) {
         this.cache = cache;

     String getExpensiveValue(Object key) {
         Uni<String> cacheValue = cache.get(key, () -> expensiveService.getValue(key));
         return cacheValue.await().indefinitely();
Method parameter injection example:
 public class CachedService {

     private Cache cache;

     public void setCache(@CacheName("my-cache") Cache cache) {
         this.cache = cache;

     String getExpensiveValue(Object key) {
         Uni<String> cacheValue = cache.get(key, () -> expensiveService.getValue(key));
         return cacheValue.await().indefinitely();

See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The name of the cache.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The name of the cache.