All Classes and Interfaces

This exception is thrown when a cache value computation fails because of an exception.
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidate is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to try to remove an existing entry from the cache.
When a method annotated with CacheInvalidateAll is invoked, Quarkus will remove all entries from the cache.
When a method argument is annotated with CacheKey, it is identified as a part of a cache key during an invocation of a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate.
Implement this interface to generate a cache key based on the cached method, its parameters or any data available from within the generator.
This interceptor binding is added at build time on a method if: it is annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate at least one of its arguments is annotated with CacheKey It helps improving performances by storing at build time the positions of CacheKey-annotated arguments instead of relying on reflection at run time (which is bad for performances) to identify these positions.
This class is registered as an @ApplicationScoped synthetic bean at build time.
This class is used to eagerly create the CacheManager bean instance at RUNTIME_INIT execution time.
Use this annotation on a field, a constructor parameter or a method parameter to inject a Cache and interact with it programmatically e.g.
When a method annotated with CacheResult is invoked, Quarkus will compute a cache key and use it to check in the cache whether the method has been already invoked.
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation using Caffeine.
This class is used to prevent Caffeine from logging unwanted warnings.
A composite cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked and when the cache key is composed of several of the method arguments (annotated with CacheKey or not).
A default cache key is used by the annotations caching API when a no-args method annotated with CacheResult or CacheInvalidate is invoked.
An instance of this class is created during the instantiation of the Caffeine caches when the application depends on a quarkus-micrometer-registry-* extension.
This class is an internal Quarkus cache implementation.
An instance of this class is created during the instantiation of the Caffeine caches when the application does not depend on any quarkus-micrometer-registry-* extension.
This class is used to allow the storage of null values in the Quarkus cache while it is forbidden by the underlying caching provider.
This CacheKeyGenerator implementation is ignored by CacheInterceptor when a cache key is computed.
This placeholder is not used anymore and will be removed at some time after Quarkus 3.0.