Class ConsulConfig

  • @ConfigRoot(name="consul-config",
    public class ConsulConfig
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • enabled

        boolean enabled
        If set to true, the application will attempt to look up the configuration from Consul
      • prefix

        Optional<String> prefix
        Common prefix that all keys share when looking up the keys from Consul. The prefix is not included in the keys of the user configuration
      • rawValueKeys

        Optional<List<String>> rawValueKeys
        Keys whose value is a raw string. When this is used, the keys that end up in the user configuration are the keys specified her with '/' replaced by '.'
      • propertiesValueKeys

        Optional<List<String>> propertiesValueKeys
        Keys whose value represents a properties file. When this is used, the keys that end up in the user configuration are the keys of the properties file, not these keys
      • failOnMissingKey

        boolean failOnMissingKey
        If set to true, the application will not start if any of the configured config sources cannot be located
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConsulConfig

        public ConsulConfig()