ExcludeConfigBuildItem |
A build item that allows extension to configure the native-image compiler to effectively
ignore certain configuration files in specific jars.
ForceNonWeakReflectiveClassBuildItem |
Forces classes that have been registered for reflection using weak semantics, to revert to normal reflection registration
InlineBeforeAnalysisBuildItem |
If present, will force the addition of the -H:+InlineBeforeAnalysis flag during native image build
JniRuntimeAccessBuildItem |
Used to register a class for JNI runtime access.
JPMSExportBuildItem |
A build item that indicates that a Java package should be exported using
'-J--add-exports' option to become visible to native-image
LambdaCapturingTypeBuildItem |
Used to register a lambda capturing type in native mode
NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathAggregateBuildItem |
Do not use directly: use {@see io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.nativeimage.NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem}
NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem |
Deprecated. |
NativeImageConfigBuildItem |
NativeImageConfigBuildItem.Builder |
NativeImageProxyDefinitionBuildItem |
A build item that represents a Proxy definition
that will be required in native mode.
NativeImageResourceBuildItem |
A build item that indicates that a static resource should be included in the native image
NativeImageResourceBundleBuildItem |
Indicates that a resource bundle should be included in the native image
NativeImageResourceDirectoryBuildItem |
A build item that indicates that directory resources should be included in the native image
NativeImageResourcePatternsBuildItem |
A build item that indicates that a set of resource paths defined by regular expression patterns or globs should be
included in the native image.
NativeImageResourcePatternsBuildItem.Builder |
NativeImageSecurityProviderBuildItem |
A build item that indicates that a security provider should be included in the native image using
'-H:AdditionalSecurityProviders' option
NativeImageSystemPropertyBuildItem |
A system property that will be set at native image build time
NativeMinimalJavaVersionBuildItem |
A build item that indicates the minimal acceptable JDK version
the native-image tool was bundled with.
ReflectiveClassBuildItem |
Used to register a class for reflection in native mode
ReflectiveClassBuildItem.Builder |
ReflectiveClassFinalFieldsWritablePredicateBuildItem |
Used by io.quarkus.deployment.steps.ReflectiveHierarchyStep to determine whether
the final fields of the class should be writable (which they aren't by default)
If any one of the predicates returns true for a class, then ReflectiveHierarchyStep uses that true value
ReflectiveFieldBuildItem |
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem |
Attempts to register a complete type hierarchy for reflection.
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem.Builder |
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem.DefaultIgnoreFieldPredicate |
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem.DefaultIgnoreMethodPredicate |
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem.DefaultIgnoreTypePredicate |
ReflectiveHierarchyBuildItem.IgnoreAllowListedPredicate |
ReflectiveHierarchyIgnoreWarningBuildItem |
ReflectiveHierarchyIgnoreWarningBuildItem.DotNameExclusion |
ReflectiveMethodBuildItem |
RuntimeInitializedClassBuildItem |
A class that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.
RuntimeInitializedPackageBuildItem |
A package that will be initialized at runtime in native mode.
RuntimeReinitializedClassBuildItem |
A class that will be reinitialized at runtime in native mode.
ServiceProviderBuildItem |
Represents a Service Provider registration.
UnsafeAccessedFieldBuildItem |
UnsupportedOSBuildItem |
Native-image might not be supported for a particular
extension on a given OS or architecture.