Class DebugConfig

  • @ConfigRoot
    public class DebugConfig
    extends Object
    This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.debug.reflection=true TODO refactor code to actually use these values
    • Field Detail

      • reflection

        boolean reflection
        If set to true, writes a list of all reflective classes to META-INF
      • generatedClassesDir

        Optional<String> generatedClassesDir
        If set to a directory, all generated classes will be written into that directory
      • transformedClassesDir

        Optional<String> transformedClassesDir
        If set to a directory, all transformed classes (e.g. Panache entities) will be written into that directory
      • generatedSourcesDir

        Optional<String> generatedSourcesDir
        If set to a directory, ZIG files for generated code will be written into that directory.

        A ZIG file is a textual representation of the generated code that is referenced in the stacktraces.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DebugConfig

        public DebugConfig()