Class NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem

  • @Deprecated
    public final class NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem
    extends MultiBuildItem
    If any build item of this type is produced, the native-image build tool will run with --allow-incomplete-classpath set for versions prior to 22.1 or without --link-at-build-time set for versions later than 22.0.

    This should be strongly discouraged as it makes diagnostics of any issue much more complex, and we have seen it affect error messages of code seemingly unrelated to the code which is having the broken classpath.

    Use of this build item will trigger a warning during build.

    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem

        public NativeImageAllowIncompleteClasspathBuildItem​(String extensionName)
        extensionName - Name the extension requiring this, so that it can be shamed appropriately during build.
    • Method Detail

      • getExtensionName

        public String getExtensionName()