Class CracConfig

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      (package private) Optional<Boolean> enable
      Enable/Disable CRAC integration
      (package private) boolean fullWarmup
      Perform Application.start() within CRAC `beforeCheckpoint()` phase.
      (package private) boolean generateApplicationClassList
      When CRAC is enabled, it generates the application class list so it can be preloaded.
      (package private) boolean initializeClasses
      if preloading classes, specify whether or not to do static initialization when preloading these classes.
      (package private) boolean preloadClasses
      Will do a classpath search for all META-INF/quarkus-preload-classes.txt files These files contain fully qualified classnames that should be loaded in the CRAC`beforeCheckpoint()` phase
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Field Detail

      • enable

        Optional<Boolean> enable
        Enable/Disable CRAC integration

        Default value is dependent on extensions deployed (i.e. when using AWS Lambda extensions, this will be set to true by default)

      • preloadClasses

        boolean preloadClasses
        Will do a classpath search for all META-INF/quarkus-preload-classes.txt files These files contain fully qualified classnames that should be loaded in the CRAC`beforeCheckpoint()` phase
      • initializeClasses

        boolean initializeClasses
        if preloading classes, specify whether or not to do static initialization when preloading these classes.
      • fullWarmup

        boolean fullWarmup
        Perform Application.start() within CRAC `beforeCheckpoint()` phase.
      • generateApplicationClassList

        boolean generateApplicationClassList
        When CRAC is enabled, it generates the application class list so it can be preloaded.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CracConfig

        public CracConfig()