Interface RecorderContext

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RecorderContext
    An injectable utility class that contains methods that can be needed for dealing with recorders.
    • Method Detail

      • registerNonDefaultConstructor

        <T> void registerNonDefaultConstructor​(Constructor<T> constructor,
                                               Function<T,​List<Object>> parameters)
        Registers a way to construct an object via a non-default constructor. Each object may only have at most one non-default constructor registered
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the object
        constructor - The constructor
        parameters - A function that maps the object to a list of constructor parameters
      • registerSubstitution

        <F,​T> void registerSubstitution​(Class<F> from,
                                              Class<T> to,
                                              Class<? extends ObjectSubstitution<? super F,​? super T>> substitution)
        Registers a substitution to allow objects that are not serializable to bytecode to be substituted for an object that is.
        from - The class of the non-serializable object
        to - The class to serialize to
        substitution - The subclass of ObjectSubstitution that performs the substitution
      • registerObjectLoader

        void registerObjectLoader​(ObjectLoader loader)
        Register an object loader.
        loader - the object loader (must not be null)
      • classProxy

        Class<?> classProxy​(String name)
        This construct is no longer needed since directly loading deployment/application classes at processing time in build steps is now safe
        Creates a Class instance that can be passed to a recording proxy as a substitute for a class that is not loadable at processing time. At runtime the actual class will be passed into the invoked method.
        name - The class name
        A Class instance that can be passed to a recording proxy
      • newInstance

        <T> RuntimeValue<T> newInstance​(String name)
        Creates a RuntimeValue object that represents an object created via the default constructor.

        This object can be passed into recorders, but must not be used directly at deployment time

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the class
        name - The name of the class
        The class instance proxy