Class TestConfig

  • @ConfigRoot
    public class TestConfig
    extends Object
    This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.test.profile=someProfile or -Dquarkus.test.native-image-profile=someProfile

    TODO refactor code to actually use these values

    • Field Detail

      • continuousTesting

        public TestConfig.Mode continuousTesting
        If continuous testing is enabled. The default value is 'paused', which will allow you to start testing from the console or the Dev UI, but will not run tests on startup. If this is set to 'enabled' then testing will start as soon as the application has started. If this is 'disabled' then continuous testing is not enabled, and can't be enabled without restarting the application.
      • displayTestOutput

        public boolean displayTestOutput
        If output from the running tests should be displayed in the console.
      • excludeTags

        public Optional<List<String>> excludeTags
        Tags that should be excluded by default with continuous testing. This is ignored if include-tags has been set. Defaults to 'slow'
      • includePattern

        public Optional<String> includePattern
        Tests that should be included for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the test class name (not the file name).
      • excludePattern

        public Optional<String> excludePattern
        Tests that should be excluded with continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the test class name (not the file name). This is ignored if include-pattern has been set.
      • excludeEngines

        public Optional<List<String>> excludeEngines
        Test engine ids that should be excluded by default with continuous testing. This is ignored if include-engines has been set.
      • basicConsole

        public Optional<Boolean> basicConsole
        Disable the testing status/prompt message at the bottom of the console and log these messages to STDOUT instead. Use this option if your terminal does not support ANSI escape sequences. This is deprecated, quarkus.console.basic should be used instead.
      • disableColor

        public Optional<Boolean> disableColor
        Disable color in the testing status and prompt messages. Use this option if your terminal does not support color. This is deprecated, quarkus.console.disable-color should be used instead.
      • console

        public Optional<Boolean> console
        If test results and status should be displayed in the console. If this is false results can still be viewed in the dev console. This is deprecated, quarkus.console.enabled should be used instead.
      • disableConsoleInput

        public Optional<Boolean> disableConsoleInput
        Disables the ability to enter input on the console. This is deprecated, quarkus.console.disable-input should be used instead.
      • flatClassPath

        public boolean flatClassPath
        Changes tests to use the 'flat' ClassPath used in Quarkus 1.x versions. This means all Quarkus and test classes are loaded in the same ClassLoader, however it means you cannot use continuous testing. Note that if you find this necessary for your application then you may also have problems running in development mode, which cannot use a flat class path.
      • integrationTestProfile

        String integrationTestProfile
        The profile to use when testing using @QuarkusIntegrationTest
      • argLine

        Optional<List<String>> argLine
        Additional launch parameters to be used when Quarkus launches the produced artifact for @QuarkusIntegrationTest When the artifact is a jar, this string is passed right after the java command. When the artifact is a container, this string is passed right after the docker run command. When the artifact is a native binary, this string is passed right after the native binary name.
      • waitTime

        Duration waitTime
        Used in @QuarkusIntegrationTest and NativeImageTest to determine how long the test will wait for the application to launch
      • hangDetectionTimeout

        Duration hangDetectionTimeout
        Configures the hang detection in @QuarkusTest. If no activity happens (i.e. no test callbacks are called) over this period then QuarkusTest will dump all threads stack traces, to help diagnose a potential hang. Note that the initial timeout (before Quarkus has started) will only apply if provided by a system property, as it is not possible to read all config sources until Quarkus has booted.
      • type

        TestType type
        The type of test to run, this can be either: quarkus-test: Only runs @QuarkusTest annotated test classes unit: Only runs classes that are not annotated with @QuarkusTest all: Runs both, running the unit tests first
      • classClonePattern

        String classClonePattern
        If a class matches this pattern then it will be cloned into the Quarkus ClassLoader even if it is in a parent first artifact. This is important for collections which can contain objects from the Quarkus ClassLoader, but for most parent first classes it will just cause problems.
      • onlyTestApplicationModule

        boolean onlyTestApplicationModule
        If this is true then only the tests from the main application module will be run (i.e. the module that is currently running mvn quarkus:dev). If this is false then tests from all dependency modules will be run as well.
      • includeModulePattern

        public Optional<String> includeModulePattern
        Modules that should be included for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the module groupId:artifactId.
      • excludeModulePattern

        public Optional<String> excludeModulePattern
        Modules that should be excluded for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the module groupId:artifactId. This is ignored if include-module-pattern has been set.
      • enableCallbacksForIntegrationTests

        public boolean enableCallbacksForIntegrationTests
        If the test callbacks should be invoked for the integration tests (tests annotated with @QuarkusIntegrationTest).
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestConfig

        public TestConfig()