Interface ApplicationArchive

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ApplicationArchive
    Represents an archive that is part of application code.

    An application archive is an archive that provides components to the application. As a result it will be indexed via jandex, and any deployment descriptors will be made available to the application.

    • Method Detail

      • getIndex

        org.jboss.jandex.IndexView getIndex()
        The index of this application Archive
      • getArchiveRoot

        Path getArchiveRoot()
        in favor of getRootDirs()
        Returns a path representing the archive root. Note that if this is a jar archive this is not the path to the jar, but rather a path to the root of the mounted com.sun.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystem
        The archive root.
      • isJarArchive

        boolean isJarArchive()
        does not appear to be used anywhere and now it shouldn't be
        true if this archive is a jar
      • getArchiveLocation

        Path getArchiveLocation()
        in favor of getPaths()
        If this archive is a jar file it will return the path to the jar file on the file system, otherwise it will return the directory that this corresponds to.
      • getRootDirs

        io.quarkus.bootstrap.model.PathsCollection getRootDirs()
        Returns paths representing the archive root directories. Note that every path in this collection is guaranteed to be a directory. If the actual application archive appears to be a JAR, this collection will include a path to the root of the mounted FileSystem created from the JAR.
        The archive root directories.
      • getPaths

        io.quarkus.bootstrap.model.PathsCollection getPaths()
        The paths representing the application root paths.
      • getArtifactKey

        io.quarkus.bootstrap.model.AppArtifactKey getArtifactKey()
        the artifact key or null if not available
      • getChildPath

        default Path getChildPath​(String path)
        Convenience method, returns the child path if it exists, otherwise null.
        path - The child path
        The child path, or null if it does not exist.
      • processEntry

        default void processEntry​(String path,
                                  BiConsumer<Path,​Path> consumer)
        Searches for the specified entry among the archive paths. If a root path appears to be a JAR, the entry will be searched among its entries. The first matched entry will be passed to the consumer along with its root path.
        path - relative entry path
        consumer - entry consumer