Class ArchiveRootBuildItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArchiveRootBuildItem

        public ArchiveRootBuildItem​(Path appClassesDir)
      • ArchiveRootBuildItem

        public ArchiveRootBuildItem​(Path archiveLocation,
                                    Path archiveRoot)
    • Method Detail

      • getArchiveLocation

        public Path getArchiveLocation()
        in favor of getPaths()
        If this archive is a jar file it will return the path to the jar file on the file system, otherwise it will return the directory that this corresponds to.
      • getArchiveRoot

        public Path getArchiveRoot()
        in favor of getRootDirs()
        Returns a path representing the archive root. Note that if this is a jar archive this is not the path to the jar, but rather a path to the root of the mounted com.sun.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystem
        The archive root.
      • getRootDirs

        public io.quarkus.bootstrap.model.PathsCollection getRootDirs()
        Collection of path representing the archive's root directories. If there is a JAR among the paths (returned by getPaths() this method will return the path to the root of the mounted java.nio.file.ZipFileSystem instead.
        Collection of path representing the archive's root directories.
      • getPaths

        public io.quarkus.bootstrap.model.PathsCollection getPaths()
        Collection of paths that collectively constitute the application archive's content.
        collection of paths that collectively constitute the application archive content.
      • isExcludedFromIndexing

        public boolean isExcludedFromIndexing​(Path p)