Class PackageConfig

    • Field Detail

      • LEGACY

        public static final String LEGACY
        use 'legacy-jar' instead
      • type

        public String type
        The requested output type.

        The default built in types are 'jar' (which will use 'fast-jar'), 'legacy-jar' for the pre-1.12 default jar packaging, 'uber-jar', 'mutable-jar' (for remote development mode), 'native' and 'native-sources'.

      • mainClass

        public Optional<String> mainClass
        The entry point of the application. This can either be a fully qualified name of a standard Java class with a main method, or QuarkusApplication.

        If your application has main classes annotated with QuarkusMain then this can also reference the name given in the annotation, to avoid the need to specify fully qualified names in the config.

      • userConfiguredIgnoredEntries

        public Optional<List<String>> userConfiguredIgnoredEntries
        Files that should not be copied to the output artifact
      • includedOptionalDependencies

        public Optional<Set<String>> includedOptionalDependencies
        List of all the dependencies that have been defined as optional to include into the final package of the application. Each optional dependency needs to be expressed in the following format:


        With the classifier and type being optional.

        If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type jar.

        This parameter is optional, if absent, no optional dependencies will be included into the final package of the application.

        For backward compatibility reasons, this parameter is ignored by default and can be enabled by setting the parameter quarkus.package.filter-optional-dependencies to true.

        This parameter is meant to be used in modules where multi-builds have been configured to avoid getting a final package with unused dependencies.

      • filterOptionalDependencies

        public boolean filterOptionalDependencies
        Flag indicating whether the optional dependencies should be filtered out or not.

        This parameter is meant to be used in modules where multi-builds have been configured to avoid getting a final package with unused dependencies.

      • addRunnerSuffix

        public boolean addRunnerSuffix
        Indicates whether the generated binary file (uber-jar or native image) should have the runner suffix appended. Turning off the runner suffix in case of the uber-jar package type, the original build system (Maven, Gradle, etc) built JAR will be replaced with the Quarkus built uber JAR.
      • outputDirectory

        public Optional<String> outputDirectory
        The output folder in which to place the output, this is resolved relative to the build systems target directory.
      • createAppcds

        public boolean createAppcds
        Whether to automate the creation of AppCDS. This has no effect when a native binary is needed and will be ignored in that case. Furthermore, this option only works for Java 11+ and is considered experimental for the time being. Finally, care must be taken to use the same exact JVM version when building and running the application.
      • appcdsBuilderImage

        public Optional<String> appcdsBuilderImage
        When AppCDS generation is enabled, if this property is set, then the JVM used to generate the AppCDS file will be the JVM present in the container image. The builder image is expected to have the 'java' binary on its PATH. This flag is useful when the JVM to be used at runtime is not the same exact JVM version as the one used to build the jar. Note that this property is consulted only when quarkus.package.create-appcds=true and it requires having docker available during the build.
      • appcdsUseContainer

        public boolean appcdsUseContainer
        Whether creation of the AppCDS archive should run in a container if available.

        Normally, if either a suitable container image to create the AppCDS archive inside of can be determined automatically or if one is explicitly set using the quarkus.package.appcds-builder-image setting, the AppCDS archive is generated by running the JDK contained in the image as a container.

        If this option is set to false, a container will not be used to generate the AppCDS archive. Instead, the JDK used to build the application is also used to create the archive. Note that the exact same JDK version must be used to run the application in this case.

        Ignored if quarkus.package.create-appcds is set to false.

      • userProvidersDirectory

        public Optional<String> userProvidersDirectory
        This is an advanced option that only takes effect for the mutable-jar format.

        If this is specified a directory of this name will be created in the jar distribution. Users can place jar files in this directory, and when re-augmentation is performed these will be processed and added to the class-path.

        Note that before reaugmentation has been performed these jars will be ignored, and if they are updated the app should be reaugmented again.

      • includeDependencyList

        public boolean includeDependencyList
        This option only applies when using fast-jar or mutable-jar. If this option is true then a list of all the coordinates of the artifacts that made up this image will be included in the quarkus-app directory. This list can be used by vulnerability scanners to determine if your application has any vulnerable dependencies.
      • writeTransformedBytecodeToBuildOutput

        public boolean writeTransformedBytecodeToBuildOutput
        If set to true, it will result in the Quarkus writing the transformed application bytecode to the build tool's output directory. This is useful for post-build tools that need to scan the application bytecode - for example for offline code-coverage tools. For example, if using Maven, enabling this feature will result in the classes in target/classes being updated with the versions that result after Quarkus has applied its transformations. Setting this to true however, should be done with a lot of caution and only if subsequent builds are done in a clean environment (i.e. the build tool's output directory has been completely cleaned).
    • Constructor Detail

      • PackageConfig

        public PackageConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • isAnyJarType

        public boolean isAnyJarType()
      • isFastJar

        public boolean isFastJar()
      • isLegacyJar

        public boolean isLegacyJar()
      • isUberJar

        public boolean isUberJar()
      • getRunnerSuffix

        public String getRunnerSuffix()