Interface NativeConfig

    • Method Detail

      • additionalBuildArgs

        Optional<List<String>> additionalBuildArgs()
        Comma-separated, additional arguments to pass to the build process. If an argument includes the , symbol, it needs to be escaped, e.g. \\,
      • enableHttpUrlHandler

        boolean enableHttpUrlHandler()
        If the HTTP url handler should be enabled, allowing you to do URL.openConnection() for HTTP URLs
      • enableHttpsUrlHandler

        boolean enableHttpsUrlHandler()
        If the HTTPS url handler should be enabled, allowing you to do URL.openConnection() for HTTPS URLs
      • enableAllSecurityServices

        boolean enableAllSecurityServices()
        --enable-all-security-services was removed in GraalVM 21.1
        If all security services should be added to the native image
      • inlineBeforeAnalysis

        boolean inlineBeforeAnalysis()
        inlineBeforeAnalysis is always enabled starting from GraalVM 21.3.
        If -H:+InlineBeforeAnalysis flag will be added to the native-image run
      • enableJni

        boolean enableJni()
        JNI is always enabled starting from GraalVM 19.3.1.
      • headless

        boolean headless()
        The default value for java.awt.headless JVM option. Switching this option affects linking of awt libraries.
      • addAllCharsets

        boolean addAllCharsets()
        If all character sets should be added to the native image. This increases image size
      • graalvmHome

        Optional<String> graalvmHome()
        The location of the Graal distribution
      • javaHome

        File javaHome()
        The location of the JDK
      • nativeImageXmx

        Optional<String> nativeImageXmx()
        The maximum Java heap to be used during the native image generation
      • debugBuildProcess

        boolean debugBuildProcess()
        If the native image build should wait for a debugger to be attached before running. This is an advanced option and is generally only intended for those familiar with GraalVM internals
      • publishDebugBuildProcessPort

        boolean publishDebugBuildProcessPort()
        If the debug port should be published when building with docker and debug-build-process is true
      • cleanupServer

        boolean cleanupServer()
        Since GraalVM 20.2.0 the native image server has become an experimental feature and is disabled by default.
        If the native image server should be restarted.
      • enableIsolates

        boolean enableIsolates()
        If isolates should be enabled
      • enableFallbackImages

        boolean enableFallbackImages()
        If a JVM based 'fallback image' should be created if native image fails. This is not recommended, as this is functionally the same as just running the application in a JVM
      • enableServer

        boolean enableServer()
        This used to be the default prior to GraalVM 20.2.0 and this configuration item was used to disable it as it was not stable. Since GraalVM 20.2.0 the native image server has become an experimental feature.
        If the native image server should be used. This can speed up compilation but can result in changes not always being picked up due to cache invalidation not working 100%
      • autoServiceLoaderRegistration

        boolean autoServiceLoaderRegistration()
        If all META-INF/services entries should be automatically registered
      • dumpProxies

        boolean dumpProxies()
        If the bytecode of all proxies should be dumped for inspection
      • containerBuild

        Optional<Boolean> containerBuild()
        If this build should be done using a container runtime. Unless container-runtime is also set, docker will be used by default. If docker is not available or is an alias to podman, podman will be used instead as the default.
      • pie

        Optional<Boolean> pie()
        Explicit configuration option to generate a native Position Independent Executable (PIE) for Linux. If the system supports PIE generation, the default behaviour is to disable it for performance reasons. However, some systems can only run position-independent executables, so this option enables the generation of such native executables.
      • remoteContainerBuild

        boolean remoteContainerBuild()
        If this build is done using a remote docker daemon.
      • isExplicitContainerBuild

        default boolean isExplicitContainerBuild()
      • containerRuntimeOptions

        Optional<List<String>> containerRuntimeOptions()
        Options to pass to the container runtime
      • enableVmInspection

        boolean enableVmInspection()
        Use quarkus.native.monitoring instead.
        If the resulting image should allow VM introspection.
      • monitoring

        Optional<List<NativeConfig.MonitoringOption>> monitoring()
        Enable monitoring various monitoring options. The value should be comma separated.
        • jfr for JDK flight recorder support
        • jvmstat for JVMStat support
        • heapdump for heampdump support
        • jmxclient for JMX client support (experimental)
        • jmxserver for JMX server support (experimental)
        • all for all monitoring features
      • fullStackTraces

        boolean fullStackTraces()
        GraalVM 23.1+ will always build with full stack traces.
        If full stack traces are enabled in the resulting image
      • enableReports

        boolean enableReports()
        If the reports on call paths and included packages/classes/methods should be generated
      • reportExceptionStackTraces

        boolean reportExceptionStackTraces()
        If exceptions should be reported with a full stack trace
      • reportErrorsAtRuntime

        boolean reportErrorsAtRuntime()
        If errors should be reported at runtime. This is a more relaxed setting, however it is not recommended as it means your application may fail at runtime if an unsupported feature is used by accident.
      • reuseExisting

        boolean reuseExisting()
        Don't build a native image if it already exists. This is useful if you have already built an image and you want to use Quarkus to deploy it somewhere. Note that this is not able to detect if the existing image is outdated, if you have modified source or config and want a new image you must not use this flag.
      • enableDashboardDump

        boolean enableDashboardDump()
        Generate the report files for GraalVM Dashboard.