Class BootstrapConfig

  • @ConfigRoot
    public class BootstrapConfig
    extends Object
    This is used currently only to suppress warnings about unknown properties when the user supplies something like: -Dquarkus.debug.reflection=true
    • Field Detail

      • effectiveModelBuilder

        boolean effectiveModelBuilder
        If set to true, the workspace initialization will be based on the effective POMs (i.e. properly interpolated, including support for profiles) instead of the raw ones.
      • workspaceDiscovery

        Boolean workspaceDiscovery
        If set to true, workspace discovery will be enabled for all launch modes. Usually, workspace discovery is enabled by default only for dev and test modes.
      • disableJarCache

        boolean disableJarCache
        By default, the bootstrap mechanism will create a shared cache of open JARs for Quarkus classloaders to reduce the total number of opened ZIP FileSystems in dev and test modes. Setting system property quarkus.bootstrap.disable-jar-cache to true will make Quarkus classloaders create a new ZIP FileSystem for each JAR classpath element every time it is added to a Quarkus classloader.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapConfig

        public BootstrapConfig()