Class JPMSExportBuildItem

  • public final class JPMSExportBuildItem
    extends MultiBuildItem
    A build item that indicates that a Java package should be exported using '-J--add-exports' option to become visible to native-image
    • Constructor Detail

      • JPMSExportBuildItem

        public JPMSExportBuildItem​(String moduleName,
                                   String packageName)
      • JPMSExportBuildItem

        public JPMSExportBuildItem​(String moduleName,
                                   String packageName,
                                   GraalVM.Version exportSince,
                                   GraalVM.Version exportBefore)
        Creates a build item that indicates that a Java package should be exported for a specific GraalVM version range.
        moduleName - the module name
        packageName - the package name
        exportSince - the version of GraalVM since which the package should be exported (inclusive)
        exportBefore - the version of GraalVM before which the package should be exported (exclusive)